Illuminati card game:
Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) is a collectible card game (CCG) that was released in 1994 by Steve Jackson Games, based on their original boxed game Illuminati, which in turn was inspired by The Illuminatus! Trilogy. INWO won the Origins Award for Best Card Game in 1997...
There are many people who supports one world government concept; that is all states under the rule of one government.
For some unkown reason, it is a favourite theme of these crackpot conspiracy theories.
Probably have to do with their pet theme of secret groups going for world domination.
Dominate world already, might as well bring it all under one government, so they drag in this one world government shit and link it up with their crackpot drivel.
Anyway, below are some political lobby groups pushing for one world government:
Sadly, due to conspiracy crackpots and their rubbish propaganda linking world government with their "NWO" horseshit on internet, some people view these lobby groups as crackpot organisations also.
If only conspiracy crackpots will link PAP into their horseshit propaganda.
That will totally discredit PAP.
Originally posted by Poh Ah Pak:Illuminati card game:
Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) is a collectible card game (CCG) that was released in 1994 by Steve Jackson Games, based on their original boxed game Illuminati, which in turn was inspired by The Illuminatus! Trilogy. INWO won the Origins Award for Best Card Game in 1997...
i saw them playing these card at the parliament during off peak hours
i saw them playing these card at the parliament during off peak hours
If true, PAP is part of Illuminati and NWO, since they played the Illuminati card game.
Originally posted by angel7030:
i saw them playing these card at the parliament during off peak hours
That is why they are fed up with us putting some oppositions to seat in the parliament, if all fully seated by PAP, there will be no TV shows, then they can fully play mahjong, bacarat, pairs, cards, roulette, jackpots..etc etc inside parliment also nobody knows.
So, no matter what, they must get rid of oppositions.
Originally posted by Poh Ah Pak:
If true, PAP is part of Illuminati and NWO, since they played the Illuminati card game.
I disagree, playing illuminati card game does not mean connected with Iluminati/NWO agenda. It only shows they are playing card games.
SPLIT SECOND, you are still under the influence of Illuminati/NWO propaganda.
Your mind is still confused and clouded by the propaganda of rubbish on the internet.
Come and discuss your views on world politics and Iluminati/NWO agenda on this thread with me and I will help to bring some form of clarity to you.
finally i understand what's illuminati, it's in the Don brown's selling book angel and demon, before understand illuminati, we should know that it's kind of fratanity group, like freemasonry, it's said so many prominent people, in politics, science belong to the group. it is said European union is a manifestation of NWO
With all due respect SPLIT SECOND, you may be trying to wake these people up, but the way you're throwing your information around just doesnt do the cause credit.
Ah Pak, before you classify anything as "horseshit" (really amusing choice, I must say), perhaps you should look at the evidence for it first. You've admitted that there are organisations dedicated to creating a World Government and rightly so, except that you do not accept that this movement is being carried out through stealth by the US Government, the corporatocracy etc.
The "New World Order" is loosely defined as a conspiracy, stretching back centuries (which is why the Illuminati is connected- on which Dan Brown is raving about in fictitious terms), but for our purposes, I'll prove that this NWO conspiracy was already active from the start of the 20th Century.
But to begin, I would like to prove, with evidence, of a conspiratorial elite that holds the real power behind geopolitics of the Western world, whoever is president or prime minister are merely puppets. A conspiracy is defined as two or more people, meeting in secret to plan subversive acts. Since 1954, a secret cabal of 125 of the world's most powerful business and political elites have met annually in what is known as the Bilderberg Group. Now if you haven't heard of it, its because the powers that be don't want you to know about them. Think about it, when 8 world leaders meet for the G8 summit, the press has an orgasm, but this meeting of the 125 of the leading corporate and political figures is only marked by a mainstream media blackout. This is no conspiracy theory, this is conspiracy fact. The Bilderberg Group exists, and though they have escaped mainstream press coverage for most of the 20th Century, the rise of the alternative media through the Internet has begun to make known their existence. In 2006, they met in Canada; 2007 in Turkey (provoking some demonstrations); and this year, they met in the US.
Spooks Infest Marriot Hotel As BIlderberg Begins-
Bilderberg Seeks Bank Centralisation Agenda-
Note that the above article on bank centralisation was written on the 6 of September and exactly 2 months later, on November 6 (not that the date has any significance), MSNBC reports that in the chaos of the financial crisis, 3 banks now dominate the banking industry ( It is this centralisation of power that the NWO conspiracy is all about. And why are so-called "crack-pots" (Ah Pak, this word is so heckneyed, could you find another derogatory word to label people that believe in a NWO conspiracy?) are against this scheme is because as old English Lord Acton said, "Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Now, about the Bilderberg Group (among other conspiratorial groups), it is no secret that their aim is to usher in world government. In 2003, a BBC radio documentary investigated the first Bilderberg Meeting in 1954 and revealed that it was formed to guide the formation of the EU. At this point, note that Zbigniew Brezesinki said at Gorbachev's State of the World Forum in 1995: "We cannot leap into world government in one quick step... The precondition for eventual globalisation- genuine globalisation- is progressive regionalisation, because thereby we move towards larger, more stable, more cooperative units." By the way, Brezesinki was Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor who has an interesting history, which I won't elaborate here, and also, Obama's foreign policy advisor. "Change"? I don't think so. But I digress, the point is that the present phenomena known as "globalisation" is just semantic deception and leads to global government or global governance through regional integration. Haven't phrases like a "new world order", "new financial order", "new global order" been thrown around recently by Western politicians? (Yes, Gordon Brown, I'm looking at you.) Now, I'm not saying that everything connected to globalisation is part of this conspiracy. After all, you don't need to control many people to accomplish a hidden agenda; all you need to do is to control the head of a particular organisation or country to control its direction. I'll give two examples. Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of defence and former World Bank head was a regular member of the Bilderberg Group. So if you can influence him, you influence the actions of the World Bank. Similarly, his successor, Robert Zoellick is also a Bilderberger. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernake is also Bilderberg, and so is his predecessor, Alen Greenspan. I'm not saying that the Bilderberg Group is the only organisation steering the world into world government; of course there are other globalist groups that have substantial clout.
So after the 50 year experiment of the Bilderberg Group succeeded in creating the EU, it was only a matter of time before these elites accelerate their plans to consolidate the world into regional blocs, which is why we have the emerging North American (Soviet) Union, by the way, Gorbachev referred to the EU as the "new European Soviet"- that should give you an idea of the principles behind "globalisation", under the SPP signed in 2005 by the US, Canada and Mexico, we already have the African Union, an emerging Asia-Pacific Union that ASEAN is planning to implement and an emerging South American Union. At the same time, the simultaneous merger of these blocs have already taken place. The EU and the US (assumed to head the NAU) have already signed an agreement to institute a transatlantic market by 2015 (which was how the EU started by the way).
Remember I said, this process was already in motion at the beginning of the 20th Century? SPLIT SECOND was right when he mentioned the process of "problem, reaction, solution", more sophisticatedly called the Hegelian Dialectic. Conflict brings about change; and controlled conflict brings about controlled change. At the beginning of the 20th Century, there was already ideas forming about world government. But to make this change more palatable to the fierce nationalism of 20th Century European powers, there had to be a destabilising event to destroy the old order. And WWI was the catalyst that was engineered to bring about the League of Nations; the Serb that assassinated the Archduke was connected to British and French intelligence agencies. After WWI, globalist president Woodrow Wilson created a council called "The Inquiry" to spearhead this globalist plan. But unfortunately, it failed because countries refused to cede their sovereignty to a global body. So, WWII had to be engineered to create the League's successor. Following the LoN's failure, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was set up in 1921 to carry on this globalist aim. I'm sure some of you may have heard of the CFR as an elite American think-tank. In fact, it is the de facto foreign policy arm of the US Government for most administration members have CFR membership and all presidents except Bush, Jr (He was probably too stupid) were members before they became president, not excepting Obama. So to get an effective global body formed, another world war was engineered. Naturally, both sides were funded by the same people demonstrating their manipulation. The Rockefeller-dominated Standard Oil was the principle financiers behind the Nazi conglomerate- IG Farden (long story cut short), as well as having backed Mussolini. At the same time, Standard Oil funded the US war effort. Just the tip of controlled conflict. And in the end, the UN was born- the first truly global organisation. In that sense, the world government of the NWO will be born out of the UN.
International history after that was similarly a mess of lies and disinformation, especially the phoney lie known as the Cold War. I know I've rambled for too long, but it suffices to say that since 1917, the Soviet Union has been built up and funded by American corporations, throughout WWII (naturally- Lend Lease), but shockingly, also throughout the Cold War. The US gave the Soviets nuclear blueprints- (, funded and built up their milittary-industrial complex (Research the work of Antony C Sutton) in classic Hegelian Dialectic. Thesis- the US; Antithesis- the Soviet Union; Synthesis- the corporate-fascist global order we have today (of course, this remains open to discussion because the Cold War synthesis is being used as a thesis to create a new synthesis today, as history progresses).
Ultimately, mainstream ideas are usually lies or half-truths. History as is taught is horribly distorted. No surprise, for the victors get to write history. After WWII, Rockefeller interests who funded IG Farden contributed $150,000 to create an official history of WWII. I don't assume to possess the Truth, but I hope that people would just look at such evidence with an open mind. Mention "conspiracy" today and people laugh. Why? Do they know for sure that its a symptom of mental instability? Or are they conditioned to think that way through groupthink? Remember, "Only the little secrets need to be protected; the big ones are kept secret by public incredulity." (Marshall McLuhan)
Since 1954, a secret cabal of 125 of the world's most powerful business and political elites have met annually in what is known as the Bilderberg Group.
according to you Bilderberg Group is "NWO"?
Is that correct?
No, the NWO does not refer to any single group or organisation. It is an idea, a belief that the the world should be governed by a single authority. The Bilderberg Group is merely one (I cannot emphasis this enough) of the manifestations of this idea.
New World Order is an idea, not a group?
So what is exactly the idea?
One World Government?
Yes, didn't you read my earlier post?
Are below political lobby groups part of NWO?
They are pushing for one world government:
You've admitted that there are organisations dedicated to creating a World Government and rightly so, except that you do not accept that this movement is being carried out through stealth by the US Government, the corporatocracy etc.
There are lots of political groups pushing for one world government, and there is nothing secret about it.
They are quite open and public about their activities.
Why push for world government must be secret?
I don't understand.
Yes, insofar as they promote world government, you could said that they are "part of the NWO". The concept of a NWO isn't a scary conspiracy, if that's what you're trying to imply. In fact, its becoming increasingly commonplace among academic discussion. I myself would support global governance, if the powers that be truly have humanity's interests at heart; putting human concerns above profits for instance. But as things stand at this moment, the only thing driving the NWO agenda is power. However, the tragic part is that some people discussing global governance, and most who have not heard about it, have no idea that this plan is being built on the bones of millions who have perished in engineered conflict.
But as things stand at this moment, the only thing driving the NWO agenda is power. However, the tragic part is that some people discussing global governance, and most who have not heard about it, have no idea that this plan is being built on the bones of millions who have perished in engineered conflict.
That is not the case.
The case is that there is no conspiracy for one world government.
No NWO group, no Illuminati, no stupid hidden agenda to turn world into one world government.
There are already a lot of public groups calling for one world government, no need for any secret group.
It's all horseshit.
Bullshit by conspiracy nuts.
That is the fucking truth.
Come mon lah, this group so secret until the entire fucking internet, the entire fucking youtube have information about them?
The entire web is flooded with NWO/Illuminati crap.
What sort of bullshit hidden agenda?
Any ass also will find out about them using google lah, what the hell.
Results 1 - 10 of about 221,000 for illuminati/NWO.
If you go and follow this illuminati/NWO logic and their line of reasoning, you will find all sorts of nonsensical rubbish logic.
They simply take some quotes here, some quotes there, mess everything up and then connect with some shit that they want.
Any asshole can come up with a conspiracy theory like that lah.
Someone mention New World Order in speech then suka suka link to some hidden agenda, secret group.
What sort of bullshit is that?
Nothing but junk.
You think so many people so clever, so smart, discover hidden agenda, secret group.
Wait long long lah.
Conspiracy nut is the truth.
Like aliens abduction lah, bigfoot lah, sea monster, witchcraft lah, satanic rituals lah now transformed to illuminati/NWO.
You think real?
And what is the point of that Youtube link? To demonstrate that a world government will be a just world?
Firstly, the NWO elites, as I like to call the powers that be, are political-corporate powers. In the US, corporate and political power are intertwined in a system of legalised bribery known as lobbying. Given that, at this moment, the Congolese crisis being publicised in the media is the work of corporate greed, funding Rwandan and Ugandan proxies to rape the Congo mineral wealth, do you think their rhetoric of justice makes sense?
U.S./U.K. Allies Grab Congo Riches and Millions Die-
If anything, it'll be a world where their interests are put above the interests of the common man. While ExxonMobil earned $14.8 billion in the 3Q of 2008, 35,000 children die every 24 hours due to hunger. After 4 decades, or so, of globalisation, favouring corporate interests, Man is worse off while a small group of corporate-political elites reap the benefits.
Secondly, its impossible to say that a world government would be benevolent when societies round the world are becoming surveillance societies, including Singapore. What with the NSA's and FBI's spying record, the Echelon program and similar trends round the world, it doesn't take much to conclude that a world government would herald a new age of tyranny.
Anyway, you haven't responded to the historical distortions I addressed and clarified about 20th Century history. You frequent GlobalResearch and the works of William Engdahl, surely you must be familiar with the lying that goes on in the mainstream. In the end, I have one question for you: What is it about a one world government conspiracy that you disagree with? I would really appreciate it if you could address that and my earlier question.
In the US, corporate and political power are intertwined in a system of legalised bribery known as lobbying.
Yes, that is true.
But why throw in NWO?
USA political system under corporate and financial influence is common knowledge wah.
So we can conclude the presidency and ultimately the government are controlled by corporate elitists?
Yes both the presidency and ultimately the government are controlled by corporate elitists. Wealthy individuals and corporations have full control of the US media and press and US elected representatives in public office who set policy. They are the ones who finance the massively expensive campaigns of candidates running for office.
Given that, at this moment, the Congolese crisis being publicised in the media is the work of corporate greed, funding Rwandan and Ugandan proxies to rape the Congo mineral wealth, do you think their rhetoric of justice makes sense? U.S./U.K. Allies Grab Congo Riches and Millions Die- If anything, it'll be a world where their interests are put above the interests of the common man. While ExxonMobil earned $14.8 billion in the 3Q of 2008, 35,000 children die every 24 hours due to hunger. After 4 decades, or so, of globalisation, favouring corporate interests, Man is worse off while a small group of corporate-political elites reap the benefits.
What's above got to do with NWO?
There is no NWO.
Just plain old fashion corporate capitalist greed.
And since you mentioned Congo, here is War Nerd latest:
War Nerd: Congo Warrior Nkunda Is Nkool
What with the NSA's and FBI's spying record, the Echelon program and similar trends round the world, it doesn't take much to conclude that a world government would herald a new age of tyranny.
That is another issue already.
Privacy and civil liberty issues.
Don't throw in NWO and mess everything up.
Confuse everything.