Obama is the first Communist president for America.
Why Obama communist?
Is there evidence to show that Obama is communist?
Why didn't McCain reveal the evidence during campaign to bring down Obama?
What is your criticism on communist ideology?
Originally posted by AEW5001:n even e Americans themselves
Was watching CNN during the election last week, there were Americans who voted for the democrats because they are fed up with Bush and there were some who opted to vote for reason the friends and family members were killed in the war.
On the whole, from the different polls by the Americans, majority that is more than 50% does not favour Bush.
Anyway, Bush is tasting his own medicine, serve him right. He has been too arrogant and spent most of the time on war. When his predecessor, Bill Clinton, was the president, he managed to turn the economy around, and Bush is just doing the opposite.
Originally posted by Poh Ah Pak:Why Obama communist?
Is there evidence to show that Obama is communist?
Why didn't McCain reveal the evidence during campaign to bring down Obama?
What is your criticism on communist ideology?
Because McCain lack the courage and is weak-minded unlike Obama a modern Hitler.
Well, if Obama is modern Hitler, there might be chance that Palestine will get state soon.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
God, god, god, this is not a christian forum! Stop bringing god into politics!
American politics is heavily influenced by Christianity.Their national religion is Christianity.
Originally posted by Soosiangong:American politics is heavily influenced by Christianity.Their national religion is Christianity.
No not true where did you get that from i know for a fact that religion is seperate from the state in US. It was only in Europe previously when there was no such seperation of politics from religion that you see religious wars. Please don't make assertions just because you feel like it
Originally posted by Soosiangong:American politics is heavily influenced by Christianity.Their national religion is Christianity.
U brainwashed by Bush liao. Bush brings bad name to Christianity.
Originally posted by Soosiangong:American politics is heavily influenced by Christianity.Their national religion is Christianity.
fantastic assumption
Obama and USA foreign policy:
Five Silver Linings
It's a truism that Barack Obama faces the most intractable set of challenges that any president has faced in at least 50 years. But on a few issues in foreign and military policy, he's caught a break.
Whether by luck, the effect of his election, or President George W. Bush's stepped-up drive to win last-minute kudos, Obama will enter the White House with some paths to success already marked, if not quite paved...
The humiliated Republican Party appears to be marching off to richly-deserved irrelevance in the backwoods of rural America. The image it leaves behind it, as this column has been saying since 2001, is one of blind arrogance and transcendent stupidity.
The party’s dimwitted leaders became tools of the military-industrial-petroleum complex and scheming neoconservatives whose primary political and emotional loyalties lay in the Mideast, not North America...
Don't be deceived. Obama will just carry on the policies of an inhumane corporatocracy. Who was his top campaign contributor? Goldman Sachs, who gave out $11.4 billion in salary bonuses after receiving $10 billion of the US taxpayers' money.
Just by voting for the corporate bail-out bill, which is already estimated to cost the US $5 trillion, is testament to where his allegiances lie.
Washinton's $5 trillion Tab - www.forbes.com/home/2008/11/12/paulson-bernanke-fed-biz-wall-cx_lm_1112bailout.html
Besides, in 2007 Judicial Watch labelled him among the top 10 most corrupt politicians in Washington, alongside Hiliary Clinton, House Speaker Pelosi and others.
Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politician" for 2007- http://www.judicialwatch.org/judicial-watch-announces-list-washington-s-ten-most-wanted-corrupt-politicians-2007
Don't expect him to fight for the interest of the common people. Have you heard him say anything about the PATRIOT Act? How about the NSA and FBI's illegal spying on the American people, even on anti-war activists? Or what about the deployment of US troops for "crowd and traffic control"?
Two More US Military Units Assigned for Homeland Security - www.infowars.com/?p=5733
Despite the raptures of the American people about changing "change", it seems that the only change that is coming to America is more tyranny. When Obama is talking about creating a "civilian national security force" [can anyone say Gestapo?] (www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=69601), its just like Germany when Hitler rose to power. Sheer oratory eloquence ensures that the public swoons and falls in line.
Moreover he is also part of the globalist organisation, the Council on Foreign Relations, from which every president from 1921 have been a member of, except Bush Jr (He was probably too stupid). Like previous administrations, he'll probably fill the government with people from this as well as other similar think-tanks.
If you want to know how he's foreign policy will look like, look no further than Zbigniew Brezesinki, Obama's foreign policy guru, who also was Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor. Note that he has a close relationship with David Rockefeller, with whom he co-founded the Trilateral Commission with. This is the guy who gave the world the Iranian Revolution by supporting Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution against the Shah, the person who provoked the Soviet-Afghan War in 1979 by aiding the Mujahedeen which gave rise to Osama Bin Laden. In 1997, he published a book called "The Grand Chessboard" which set out US geostrategy. In order for the US to preserve global dominance, Eurasian dominance is key for it contains 75% of the world's population and resources. While Obama is for withdrawing troops from Iraq, he is planning to expand the war in Afghanistan and also he has said he would support violations of Pakistani sovereignty in the War on (OF) Terror, a fraudulent war built on the 9/11 lie. And that's what Brezesinki adocated even before the PNAC wrote its "Re-building America's Defence" report calling for a "new Pearl Habour".
While Obama would certainly be change compared to Bush, it'll just be more of the same, except that its done in a smarter way.
Moreover he is also part of the globalist organisation, the Council on Foreign Relations,
What is 'globalist' organisation?
An organisation that is dedicated to setting up a one world government, like those sites you shown me.
Why not look at the whole post instead of focusing on such a minute details such as this?
I don't think CFR is dedicated to setting up a one world government.
Is there evidence?
If you want to know how he's foreign policy will look like, look no further than Zbigniew Brezesinki, Obama's foreign policy guru, who also was Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor. Note that he has a close relationship with David Rockefeller, with whom he co-founded the Trilateral Commission with.
This is the guy who gave the world the Iranian Revolution by supporting Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution against the Shah, the person who provoked the Soviet-Afghan War in 1979 by aiding the Mujahedeen which gave rise to Osama Bin Laden.
In 1997, he published a book called "The Grand Chessboard" which set out US geostrategy. In order for the US to preserve global dominance, Eurasian dominance is key for it contains 75% of the world's population and resources.
While Obama is for withdrawing troops from Iraq, he is planning to expand the war in Afghanistan and also he has said he would support violations of Pakistani sovereignty in the War on (OF) Terror, a fraudulent war built on the 9/11 lie.
And that's what Brezesinki adocated even before the PNAC wrote its "Re-building America's Defence" report calling for a "new Pearl Habour".
Most of above is actually true.
But I don't think Brezesinki is associated with PNAC group.
Lets not refer to it as "one world government" since you probably will think I'm going to connect this to a conspiracy. Rather, lets focus on a policy of global integration (Yes, semantic deception again). And remember that I have never centered this movement on any particular group or individual.
Remember what Brezesinki said?
"We cannot leap into world government [his words, not mine] in one quick step... The precondition for eventual globalisation- genuine globalisation- is progressive regionalisation, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units."
So the precondition for global integration is "progressive regionalisation". Since the CFR is in North America, let's use the North American Union as an example. In 2002, the CFR released a report entitled "Towards a North American Community" in which it supported an integration between Canada, the US and Mexico, which was formalised when Bush signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) with his North American counterparts. But really, its an extension of the 1994 NAFTA, which sought to "harmonise" regulations between the 3 countries. And under the SPP, regulations between the 3 in a wide-range of fields from immigration to education to agriculture and even military etc are further integrated in a repeat of the EU. Not only is the CFR guided by this globalist ideology, but as evident from NAFTA and the SPP, it is able to guide government decisions because every administration puts CFR members into high-ranking political positions. Most significant departments of the US Cabinet are usually staffed by CFR members.
As further evidence of the CFR's globalist ideology, its president Richard Haas wrote this in an op-ed:
"Globalisation thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker. States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves, because they cannot insulate themselves from what goes on elsewhere. Sovereignty is no longer a sanctuary." -http://www.cfr.org/publication/9903/sovereignty_and_globalisation.html
Moreover, the simultaneous merging of an emerging NAU and the EU is also conducted with the blessings of the CFR, together with other globalist-minded organisations. The Transatlantic Policy Network, which pushed for a common market (integration) between the US and the EU, lists the CFR as one of their cooperating institutions. - http://www.tpnonline.org/institutions.html
You'll probably call these guys "crackpots" too, although you're unqualified, but what the heck..
"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common- the want to bring about the surrender of sovereignty and the national independence of the US. A second clique of international bankers in the CFR... comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government." -Chester Ward, Retired US Rear Admiral and former CFR member.
And remember what Carrol Quigley, who was a CFR historian wrote: "The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim; nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."
If you're that good at Googling conspiratorial stuff, shouldn't you know that "NWO crackpots" usually accuse the CFR of being a harbinger of world government. But I guess, even the best sometimes screw up.
P.S No, Brezesinki is not connected with the PNAC, as far as I know nor did I claim he was. I was just comparing his 1997 book about geostrategy in Central Asia with the PNAC 2000 report that indirectly called for the US to invade oil-rich countries in the wake of a "new Pearl Habour" (which would conveniently come 1 year later).
And remember what Carrol Quigley, who was a CFR historian wrote:
Carroll Quigley is NOT a CFR historian.
The Improbable Dr. Quigley
Remember what Brezesinki said?
Who cares what he says?
Is there evidence that he influenced policy?
Zbigniew Brzezinski opposes Iraq war but USA still invaded.
So his influence on policy is limited.
Sorry, he was not a CFR historian, I wrote that because he was given the opportunity to study the CFR's internal documents. He was a CFR member though.
Who cares about what a man like Brezesinki said? Even though he is probably more influential than you or I will ever become? He influenced policy back in Carter's days that is still having ramifications today. Moreover, he attends Bilderberg Meetings. So yes, its important to pay attention to what he says, especially about the precondition to world government being progressive regionalisation. I don't see how that can be construed as an illogical reasoning.
Of course, he opposed the Iraq invasion because it was a stupid idea and would not advance US interests in the region. You may not know, but Brezesinki is probably someone you call a Machiavellian. Instead of invading Venezuela, he would probably pit Columbia against Venezuela. Iran/Syria/China could be manipulated against Russia. Just like how he pitted the Mujahedeen against the Russians to give them a "vietnam".
The point I was trying to make in my original post was that Obama does not represent change which will benefit the working citizen. If you don't want to address that, and instead want to debate about world government, then do that in the NWO thread. Otherwise, stay on topic.
he was given the opportunity to study the CFR's internal documents. He was a CFR member though.
That's not true also.
He was not CFR member or studied CFR docments.
That is probably more bullshit you can pluck from stupid sites.
I am quite irritated with those conspiracy folks distorting his quotes and works in order to spin their NWO propaganda.
Basically all the stuff you read about him regarding NWO on conspiracy sites are distortion and misinterpretations taken from his books.
He is. We can keep on asserting it until Hell freezes over. Ignore what I said about Carroll Quigley then, even if you remove those few lines of words, I doubt it'll make any difference. While he may have not credited the NWO movement, he admits there is an "international anglophile network" that controls both parties and hence, elections.
"The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy." - From "Tragedy and Hope"
Surely this cannot be taken out of context, and lets forget the NWO for a moment since this thread is about Obama, who is NOT change. By the way, I emailed the CFR for a membership roster, for which they dont have a historic one for the public so it'll be impossible to verify Quigley's membership (pretty efficient, I must admit). However, I couldn't find Obama's name in it, so I was wrong to say that he was a member. And what of it? Does not change the disproporationate amount of influence the CFR has on every administration.
A final call, if you want to call me out on the NWO, do it in that thread.
there are alot of bullshit in this forum. May i remind everyone Obama has not take office yet....
Christians, Do not hate Obama and his government.If you do so, you are against God.Obama will attain global peace.Amen!
Originally posted by Arapahoe:there are alot of bullshit in this forum. May i remind everyone Obama has not take office yet....
Let me quote from CenturionMBT's forum guidelines:
"All Statements here Must be backed with facts and not baseless allegations."
How is the fact that Obama is not president yet linked to Arapahoe's assertion that whatever views for which I've substantiated is "bullshit"? If they are, Arapahoe is bound by forum ethics and the guidelines to provide some evidence for his assertion.
Similarly, Soosiangong has just made a baseless allegation because his statement implies that Obama is God, or some representation of God, without giving some evidence for it (evidence which I look forward to seeing). Likewise, he has asserted that Obama will "attain global peace" without backing it up, while I've given substantial evidence that he will bring just the contrary.
Originally posted by Poh Ah Pak:Why Obama communist?
Is there evidence to show that Obama is communist?
Why didn't McCain reveal the evidence during campaign to bring down Obama?
What is your criticism on communist ideology?
A capitalist is a man who exploits another man.A Communist is the other way around.All politicians are more or less the same maybe Obama is a shade better than all of them.
Originally posted by Short Ninja:
A capitalist is a man who exploits another man.A Communist is the other way around.All politicians are more or less the same maybe Obama is a shade better than all of them.
"A Capitalist is a man who exploits another man" ?
A Communist will be one that not only exploit another man, but will also control the other person in TOTALITY.
If the US Citizens believe that "all politicians are more or less the same" - and if Obama is a shade better than the "Capitalist" and the "Communist" put together, then he certainly deserve to win - simply based on his ability to 'hoodwink' the popular votes from those millions of Americans who voted for him; as well as the majority of the Electoral College votes that was given to Obama.