we are pretty anti-china here. dunno why, just some people started the frenzy
Anyway, i dont support Singapore. It sucks. i prefer Africa to Singapore, u know how bad it is.
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:I have a question here:
Anybody understand my topic in chinese?
《ä¸å›½ç½‘å�‹æ„¤æ€’äº†ï¼šæ–°åŠ å�¡ä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆæ€»å’Œä¸å›½è¿‡ä¸�去?》
Need I translate it into English?
Its nonesense for us to discuss or to blame each other here if we cannot totally understand the passage!
It is petty for chinese netizen to get angry on this issue.
1) Singapore is an independent country. She has her own interest
2) LKY gave advice to both USA and China. Does USA get angry when he gave advice to China?
Well.. it is fine if you want to treat Singapore as not one of your brothers but a friendly country. Singapore is an independent nation that earn a place in united nation. LKY answer to Singaporeans but not to China chinese.
Originally posted by ispyyy:It is petty for chinese netizen to get angry on this issue.
1) Singapore is an independent country. She has her own interest
2) LKY gave advice to both USA and China. Does USA get angry when he gave advice to China?
Well.. it is fine if you want to treat Singapore as not one of your brothers but a friendly country. Singapore is an independent nation that earn a place in united nation. LKY answer to Singaporeans but not to China chinese.
he lick shoe to get a place in united nation.
I never say who ah i only say he
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:
we chinese never thought sg as a part of China, never happened in the last, now or in the furture. we respect u as a independent country.But it is of great shocking for Chinese to know that sg is one of the most anti-china countries in this world. we didnt have much Interest Conflict and even some of u have the some race with Chinese. We can be friends but in fact its partly that China(especially china communist) regard sg as a friend while sg deem China as an enemy .
Singapore never regard China as an enemy. We want to be their friend. We have trade with each other, share experience with each other... In fact, China is a valuable trading partner with Singapore. In Singapore, our leaders keep on remind us the growth and importance of China. But however, Singapore is only a red dot on the world map. Between two giants (USA and China), there is not much side for us to take. We could only hope to tap a bit of advantage from both side in order for us to survive. That is diplomacy.
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:
we chinese never thought sg as a part of China, never happened in the last, now or in the furture. we respect u as a independent country.But it is of great shocking for Chinese to know that sg is one of the most anti-china countries in this world. we didnt have much Interest Conflict and even some of u have the some race with Chinese. We can be friends but in fact its partly that China(especially china communist) regard sg as a friend while sg deem China as an enemy .
Oh,...my PRC gals here dun even know what is happening, they are still so friendly to singaporeans and me, how come you make so much noise?? And my niece at University was just offered an exchange programme under invitation of beijin U, so what is shock you are talking about.
Anyway, if China Chinese dun like us, also good for Singapore, too many PRC around, should reduce them. Uncles and aunties will be very happy.
Originally posted by Sgforum King:he lick shoe to get a place in united nation.
I never say who ah i only say he
Not really.
From what I know, he got a kick in his butt to get a place in united nation.
Originally posted by ispyyy:Singapore never regard China as an enemy. We want to be their friend. We have trade with each other, share experience with each other... In fact, China is a valuable trading partner with Singapore. In Singapore, our leaders keep on remind us the growth and importance of China. But however, Singapore is only a red dot on the world map. Between two giants (USA and China), there is not much side for us to take. We could only hope to tap a bit of advantage from both side in order for us to survive. That is diplomacy.
i tell u, the singaporeans here are against china workers. they see u look like chinaman they come to u and ask "ni shi zhong guo ren ma?" u say yes they wallop u big time ah. u say no they will say that china people keep on taking their job and on and on.
Originally posted by ispyyy:It is petty for chinese netizen to get angry on this issue.
1) Singapore is an independent country. She has her own interest
2) LKY gave advice to both USA and China. Does USA get angry when he gave advice to China?
Well.. it is fine if you want to treat Singapore as not one of your brothers but a friendly country. Singapore is an independent nation that earn a place in united nation. LKY answer to Singaporeans but not to China chinese.
Well, as TS said, we are brothers and sisters, China Chinese is and same as Singapore Chinese, little problem only, make hell lots of noises. We, as singaporeans also do the same. Little bit problem or comment only, start to post like mad.
Originally posted by Sgforum King:i tell u, the singaporeans here are against china workers. they see u look like chinaman they come to u and ask "ni shi zhong guo ren ma?" u say yes they wallop u big time ah. u say no they will say that china people keep on taking their job and on and on.
huh?? u ok or not??
Originally posted by Sgforum King:i tell u, the singaporeans here are against china workers. they see u look like chinaman they come to u and ask "ni shi zhong guo ren ma?" u say yes they wallop u big time ah. u say no they will say that china people keep on taking their job and on and on.
tat is y our leader keep reminding us the importance and the growth of china.
angel7030 ah cannot think like that. ur sentence so long alr also cannot. must be short and say " we are all humans"
Originally posted by Sgforum King:angel7030 ah cannot think like that. ur sentence so long alr also cannot. must be short and say " we are all humans"
no lah, some peoples are not human ok,..worst than beast..
Originally posted by ispyyy:
Singapore is an independent country. She has her own interest
Why do sgporean emphasize that sg is an independent country?
It's a commonsense. And u need not repeat that again and again. It seems that sgporean lack of confidence.
Originally posted by ispyyy:
2) LKY gave advice to both USA and China. Does USA get angry when he gave advice to China?
Well. why dont u interpret this issue in the other aspect?
LKY gave advice that cater to USA, anybody will get angry with a nice suggestion?
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:Why do sgporean emphasize that sg is an independent country?
It's a commonsense. And u need not repeat that again and again. It seems that sgporean lack of confidence.
Well. why dont u interpret this issue in the other aspect?
LKY gave advice that cater to USA, anybody will get angry with a nice suggestion?
LKY want do boot-licking ma. he kiasi like fuck.
I dunno which LKY i saying ah i only say LKY.
Originally posted by Chin Eng:黄香蕉。。。。阿黄香蕉
well , that's why i named myself as" huangxiangjiao" here which means :"yellow banana"!
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:è¿‘å‡ å¤©æ�¥ï¼Œ“æ–°åŠ å�¡”å�ˆä¸€æ¬¡æˆ�了ä¸å›½ç½‘民们çƒè®®çš„è¯�题。æ�Žå…‰è€€åœ¨å�Žç››é¡¿å‘¼å��美国“å�‚与亚洲事务,制衡ä¸å›½”。他在“ä¸å›½å¨�èƒ�论”的基础上å�ˆæœ‰äº†æ–°çš„å�‘明:“有了航空æ¯�舰的è“�海舰队ä¸�å�ªæ˜¯è¦�阻æ¢å¤–国介入å�°æµ·å†²çª�”。更雷人的是,一个微型国家对世界上唯一的一个超级大国指手画脚:“美国如ä¸�继ç»å�‚与亚洲事务,以制衡ä¸å›½çš„军事和ç»�济力é‡�,å�¯èƒ½å¤±åŽ»å…¨ç�ƒé¢†å¯¼åœ°ä½�”。真是è¯ä¸�惊人æ»ä¸�休ï¼�
ä¸å›½çš„和平å�‘展难é�“真的å¨�èƒ�åˆ°æ–°åŠ å�¡ä»�至世界的安全了å�—?
首先,ä¸å›½å�‘展军事力é‡�究竟是è°�逼出æ�¥çš„?å�°åº¦åœ¨è—�å�—咄咄逼人,甚至还有人å�«å–Šç�€è¦�把边境推进到长城边;ä¸å›½å�—沙诸岛被列国强å� ,钻井林立,如å�Œæ˜¥å¤©ï¼›ä¸å›½è´§èˆ¹å±¡é�“æµ·ç›—”劫æŒ�,如å�Œå®¶å¸¸ä¾¿é¥ï¼›å�°æ¹¾å¸¸å¸¸æŒ‘战大陆的底线,游走于独立的边缘...ç©¶å…¶åŽŸå› ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯ä¸å›½çš„军事建设早已大大è�½å�ŽäºŽç»�济å�‘展。ä¸å›½å¦‚æžœå†�ä¸�åŠ é€Ÿå†›é˜ŸçŽ°ä»£åŒ–å»ºè®¾ï¼Œ30å¹´ç»�济建设的æˆ�就必将æ¯�于一旦。
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這å�ªä¸�é�Žæ˜¯ä¸€å ´æˆ², 作給美國人看的. æ–°åŠ å�¡é€™éº¼å¤šæŠ•è³‡åœ¨ä¸åœ‹, ä½ çœŸçš„èª�為æ�Žå…‰è€€æœƒæ˜Žæ“ºè‘—è·Ÿä¸åœ‹å°�å¹²?
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:Why do sgporean emphasize that sg is an independent country?
It's a commonsense. And u need not repeat that again and again. It seems that sgporean lack of confidence.
Well. why dont u interpret this issue in the other aspect?
LKY gave advice that cater to USA, anybody will get angry with a nice suggestion?
well, allow my two cents.
Yes, we need to repeat Sg is an independent country, cause we want others to know, we stand on our own, and not influenced by others. Sadly, some may see it as a lack of confidence, but I think ispyyy is not going in that direction.
Also, by saying we are independent, we do defend our rights, and as seen in Michael Fay's case, we do cane any who do wrong on our land, be it he is an american.
As a little red dot, I don't think we are the ones who are the movers and shakers in the world like the super powers. Instead, we rely on these super powers to survive.
Hence, your general remark "总和ä¸å›½è¿‡ä¸�去?" is totally off the mark.
Do you know how much we have invested in your country? What's the trade numbers?
Lastly, I think that you are too quick to jump the gun. Being the brillant central government, if there is anything that our leaders say to hurt our good relationship with mainland, they would have made an immediate counter, but till date, there is none.
hence, let's no make mountain out of molehills. Peace.
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:Why do sgporean emphasize that sg is an independent country?
It's a commonsense. And u need not repeat that again and again. It seems that sgporean lack of confidence.
Glad that that is understandable
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:Well. why dont u interpret this issue in the other aspect?
LKY gave advice that cater to USA, anybody will get angry with a nice suggestion?
Well... people have the right to get angry with that suggestion. LKY also have the right to give advice to USA.
That is truely political which means end of the day, china leaders will still be friendly towards sg leaders and sg leaders will still be friendly towards china leaders. Ordinary life, like you and me will still go on. No point getting angry on this type of issue where there could be political agenda behind it.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:æˆ‘çœ‹ä½ è‡ªå·±æ�žæ¸…楚點, æˆ‘å€‘çš„æ ¹æ˜¯ä¸€æ¨£ 但畢竟還是ä¸�å�Œçš„國家 在利益上還是會有è¡�çª� ä¸�å�¯èƒ½ä¸€è‡´. ä½ èªªä¸åœ‹æ±ºä¸�會想稱霸 也å�ªæ˜¯å› 為有美國能牽制而已 è°�能擔ä¿�美國沒è�½äº†, ä¸åœ‹ä¸�會踢開我們?
ä½ èªªçš„å°�, æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„ç¹�æ¦®å°±æ˜¯å› ç‚ºèƒ½å·¦å�³é€¢æº�. 我們是鼻屎å°�國 也å�ªèƒ½é� é€™æ¨£ç”Ÿå˜ é›£é�“é‚„è¦�我們è£�è»�事大國?
我跟這個論壇上的人ä¸�一樣, å°�æ–¼ä¸åœ‹å¼·èµ·ä¾† 我還是滿興奮的 以是å�Œæ¨£çš„æ ¹ç‚ºè‡ª 豪. ä½†ä½ é‚„æ˜¯è¦�了解 æ–°åŠ å�¡ä¸�是ä¸åœ‹çš„一個çœ�. ä¸åœ‹å¼·ä¸�ä¸€å®šæ–°åŠ å�¡ä¹Ÿèƒ½åˆ†åˆ°ä¸€ä»½ç¾¹, 如果ä¸åœ‹ç�¨å¤§äº† ä¸�ç”¨æ–°åŠ å�¡äº† 難é�“æˆ‘èƒ½è·Ÿä½ ç´¢å�–è³ å„Ÿå—Ž?
ä¸åœ‹ç¹�榮的, 也å�ªæ˜¯æ²¿æµ·çš„城市而已 內陸的çœ�還是很貧困. ä¸åœ‹è‡ªå·±çš„地盤都還沒顧好 é� é� 一個在æ�±å�—亞的å°�國 難é�“é‚„è¦�指望ä¸åœ‹ä¾†ä¿�è·å—Ž?
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這å�ªä¸�é�Žæ˜¯ä¸€å ´æˆ², 作給美國人看的. æ–°åŠ å�¡é€™éº¼å¤šæŠ•è³‡åœ¨ä¸åœ‹, ä½ çœŸçš„èª�為æ�Žå…‰è€€æœƒæ˜Žæ“ºè‘—è·Ÿä¸åœ‹å°�å¹²?
wisdom at last..
Originally posted by Stevenson101:æˆ‘çœ‹ä½ è‡ªå·±æ�žæ¸…楚點, æˆ‘å€‘çš„æ ¹æ˜¯ä¸€æ¨£ 但畢竟還是ä¸�å�Œçš„國家 在利益上還是會有è¡�çª� ä¸�å�¯èƒ½ä¸€è‡´. ä½ èªªä¸åœ‹æ±ºä¸�會想稱霸也å�ªæ˜¯å› 為有美國能牽制而已 è°�能擔ä¿�美國沒è�½äº†, ä¸åœ‹ä¸�會踢開我們?
ä½ èªªçš„å°�, æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„ç¹�æ¦®å°±æ˜¯å› ç‚ºèƒ½å·¦å�³é€¢æº�. 我們是鼻屎å°�國 也å�ªèƒ½é� é€™æ¨£ç”Ÿå˜ é›£é�“é‚„è¦�我們è£�è»�事大國?
我跟這個論壇上的人ä¸�一樣, å°�æ–¼ä¸åœ‹å¼·èµ·ä¾† 我還是滿興奮的 以是å�Œæ¨£çš„æ ¹ç‚ºè‡ª 豪. ä½†ä½ é‚„æ˜¯è¦�了解 æ–°åŠ å�¡ä¸�是ä¸åœ‹çš„一個çœ�. ä¸åœ‹å¼·ä¸�ä¸€å®šæ–°åŠ å�¡ä¹Ÿèƒ½åˆ†åˆ°ä¸€ä»½ç¾¹, 如果ä¸åœ‹ç�¨å¤§äº† ä¸�ç”¨æ–°åŠ å�¡äº† 難é�“æˆ‘èƒ½è·Ÿä½ ç´¢å�–è³ å„Ÿå—Ž?
ä¸åœ‹ç¹�榮的, 也å�ªæ˜¯æ²¿æµ·çš„城市而已 內陸的çœ�還是很貧困. ä¸åœ‹è‡ªå·±çš„地盤都還沒顧好 é� é� 一個在æ�±å�—亞的å°�國難é�“é‚„è¦�指望ä¸åœ‹ä¾†ä¿�è·å—Ž?
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這å�ªä¸�é�Žæ˜¯ä¸€å ´æˆ², 作給美國人看的. æ–°åŠ å�¡é€™éº¼å¤šæŠ•è³‡åœ¨ä¸åœ‹, ä½ çœŸçš„èª�為æ�Žå…‰è€€æœƒæ˜Žæ“ºè‘—è·Ÿä¸åœ‹å°�å¹²?
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:
well , that's why i named myself as" huangxiangjiao" here which means :"yellow banana"!
ä½ å�¯çŸ¥é�“黄香蕉的æ„�æ€�å�—?
é‚£ä½ å�¯æ˜¯ä¸€ä½�外表象ä¸å›½äººä½†æ€�想象西方的伪å�›å�?