Weird Discovery Series : Josef K. is almost like a flaneur
He is similar to Baudelaire's flaneur in character and action.
I'm half-drunk in Kafka's works..pardon me.Tommorrow I might not realise what I have done..
Who are they?
Franz Kafka - a Czech novelist whose works are about existentialism.
Baudelaire - a French novelist in the 19th Century..
a flaneur (i.e a city-walker)..someone who likes to observe and marvel the sights and sounds of a city and thinks he can be a part of it.He finds joy in being part of an urbanised stream of consciousness and activity of the modern town.
where is the juicy scandal?
Originally posted by Lazylordz:
yo wuddup guez whos bak yo mothafuc'kas itz fity cent in da hoodt' git yo ass upp heer shet yo moth n see muh mothafuc'kin pics widd ma nigga homiez o ah'm bustin uh cap in ya. fo shizzle ma nizzle.