If evolution is true,everyone will be speaking English since it is the international language but why some speak Chinese or indian or Malay?Evolution is false.
well, we all are created in god's image right?
*looks at the dumbfark TS*
we evolved at different speed....
*look at the dumbfark TS*
English, Chinese, Indian and Malay are totally different form of languages. If tower of babel is exactly as true as the bible says, then we should expect English, Chinglish, Indiglish and Maliglish.
Hope this helps a bit.. and not too shattering effect.. else IMH full of patients.
if evolution is false, then creationist is true?
till date, we still dunno if god has a gender, male or female? does god has a form or is formless?
he got either both or none........but how can anything that don't exist have genitals ?