Originally posted by laffin123:Do you mean the Jews following Judaism interpret the same way as I do ?
What is your interpretation ?
There is no need to interpret. I don't have slave, and if anyone rape a woman, and he is below 45, he will be jailed and canned. period.
Originally posted by White Dust:Did my thread just become a thread discussing Bliblical inerrancy? :P
it was good until society changed the laws of old... I always wanted a couple of wives....some slaves and the legitimate right of punishing them with violence...
Originally posted by laffin123:Why people cannot not tell right or wrong in a book with this ?
Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.
And I can rape/ entice/ violate/ liberate virgins to make them my wifes if they chose to be.... No lost for me.... This is good! I would go on liberating virginity provided I was rich enough to pay 50 shekels of silver...
Originally posted by Aneslayer:And I can rape/ entice/ violate/ liberate virgins to make them my wifes if they chose to be.... No lost for me.... This is good! I would go on liberating virginity provided I was rich enough to pay 50 shekels of silver...
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
So now you know why the Bible calls you a sinner.
Yeah... the bible calls everyone a sinner except the Christ. So can you get down from your high moral pedestral, oh hypocritical one?...
Originally posted by sgdiehard:There is no need to interpret. I don't have slave, and if anyone rape a woman, and he is below 45, he will be jailed and canned. period.
If no need interpret, should remove the terrible verse from the bible, for goodness sake.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
Why can't Bible critics read the Bible more intelligently instead of being trigger-happy to lash out at it when they read something that offends their minds. Seriously if these critics got questions like these they should consult informative websites like http://www.gotquestions.org/Deuteronomy-22-28-29-marry-rapist.html
BIC , I read your link. It says rape is a sad fate and marrying the victim is a better choice.
So, back to the question at hand: DoesDeuteronomy 22:28-29 command a rape victim to marry her rapist? While that is a possible, perhaps even likely, interpretation of the passage, it is not the only possible interpretation. Even if Deuteronomy 22:28-29 does command a rape victim to marry her rapist, it is crucial to remember that such a fate, as difficult as it would be, was, at least for some, much better than the alternatives.
So terrible. Should include an addendum in the bible that all rapists should be castrated, which I will support this law in any society.
Originally posted by laffin123:BIC , I read your link. It says rape is a sad fate and marrying the victim is a better choice.
So, back to the question at hand: DoesDeuteronomy 22:28-29 command a rape victim to marry her rapist? While that is a possible, perhaps even likely, interpretation of the passage, it is not the only possible interpretation. Even if Deuteronomy 22:28-29 does command a rape victim to marry her rapist, it is crucial to remember that such a fate, as difficult as it would be, was, at least for some, much better than the alternatives.
So terrible. Should include an addendum in the bible that all rapists should be castrated, which I will support this law in any society.
The alternative was really bad... A woman had no status by herself during that time. A non virgin woman is condenmed thoroughly throughout....
In this light, it is actually better to be married to the rapist/ liberator.
Originally posted by laffin123:If no need interpret, should remove the terrible verse from the bible, for goodness sake.
I don't interpret so I have to remove the verses from the Bible?
It is the record of the law for that people at that time, for their good! You don't belong to that era, you are not part of them, it is for your own good that you leave it as it is.
laws of the ancient days
leave it at there
Originally posted by laffin123:BIC , I read your link. It says rape is a sad fate and marrying the victim is a better choice.
So, back to the question at hand: DoesDeuteronomy 22:28-29 command a rape victim to marry her rapist? While that is a possible, perhaps even likely, interpretation of the passage, it is not the only possible interpretation. Even if Deuteronomy 22:28-29 does command a rape victim to marry her rapist, it is crucial to remember that such a fate, as difficult as it would be, was, at least for some, much better than the alternatives.
So terrible. Should include an addendum in the bible that all rapists should be castrated, which I will support this law in any society.
but u are not king or president u already dictated the constitutional laws
what irony
Originally posted by laurence82:but u are not king or president u already dictated the constitutional laws
what irony
denial in another thread