It's 'official' Stevie G is a Chelsea man this summer.For once Dudek decides to play a decent game with the defence sticking to his decision but he failed to inform his midfielders esp his captain.
When the match started I thought Liverpool was going to put up a tough fight for Chelsea to get their first medal of the season and when Riise brilliantly volley home from the equally brilliantly cross from Morientes, I seriously thought Liverpool was going to win with that goal, thus my eariler post. When they started the second half, I some how felt it's not going to be the result I wanted. They are defending too deep. Yes, Chelsea put 4 strikers but no matter how well you defence, you can't defend for 45 minutes when you are not having possession of the ball.
Where are the midfielders for Liverpool? Things just got worse when Riise has to drop back to left back. The only person doing a decent job in midfield seems to be an old work horse Dietmar Hamann. I said this before and I will say it again, Luis Garcia is a TOTAL DISGRACE to the no 10 jersey. He can't hold the ball for more than 5 seconds. If he can't get pass players, DONT try! Can't even pass to his own team mates. What's his role? right midfield? Finnan did better than him in that area leh.
Blame it on luck... if there's no critical tackle made, Gerrard would have scored. If Biscan would have timed his jump better, Liverpool would have scored in extra time, if Baros would have pick Biscan out instead of shooting himself at the last minute of regular time, Liverpool would have won. If not for the excellent save from Chelsea's keeper, Hamann would have scored. If these IFs would have count, Stevie (mr liverpool) own goal woundn't have matter. Too many IFs. Teams can't win if they dont make the chances count. Remember Man U some years back with Andy Cole, he picks up the rebonds and made them count which in the end won Man U the EPL cup.
Well... true to the captain's words, Liverpool is not going to win anything this year. Shouldn't bother him anyway cos he's 'officially' the Blues