To commemorate our glorious fifth European Cup win numerous supporters have submitted the following song for fellow fans to learn in readiness for the new season... (Sung to the tune of 'Ten Green Bottles')
First European Cup, was won in It-a-ly, Terry Mac, Tommy Smith, and Neal he made it three, Monchengladbach mangled, by the team of Bob Paisley, Oh the First European Cup, we won in It-a-ly!
Second European Cup, was won In Wemb-er-ley, Goodnight Brugge, All hail King Ken-ny, What a night in London! Oh what a mem-or-y! Oh the Second European Cup, we won in Wemb-er-ley!
Third European cup, was won in Paris, France, Eighty-Second min-ute, and Barney took his chance, Real Mad-rid sent packin', in the ci-ty of Romance, Oh the Third European cup, we won in Paris, France!
Fourth European cup, was won in It-a-ly, Brucie's Wobbly Legs, and a pen by Ken-ne-dy, Now we'd four, when before we'd only three, Oh the Fourth European Cup, we won in It-a-ly!
Fifth European Cup, was won in Is-tan-bul, Three-Nil, Three-All, What a Mi-ra-cle, Now it's here forever, to stay in Liv-er-pool, Oh the Fifth European Cup, we won in Istanbul!