You'll Never Walk Alone (Liverpool FC)
Midweek EPL : Charlton vs Liverpool
9 Feb 06, 11:06
Originally posted by Patrik:
On a losing streak.
Nvm,it will pass.
the 2nd automatic CL spot is at stake.
9 Feb 06, 15:56
but last season LFC Stats showed that without Gerrard they win more............maybe not anymore this year
9 Feb 06, 18:14
stats don't always tell the truth..
because if it does,then the teams with the most possesion and shots will win every game but they don't..
stevie g is invaluable to the pool team,without him they just ain't dangerous enough for some reason..
and yes the strikers are all firing blanks at the moment..
9 Feb 06, 18:52
i agree.
from the CL final alone you can tell how influential he is.
look at arsenal and you can tell they have a lousy captain in henry.
Medicated Oil
9 Feb 06, 20:30
Gerrard is like a Energizer Rabbit.
Can last for 120 mins.
Alonso is like normal alkaline battery.
Can last for 30 mins and fizzle off.
Liverpool have a strong midfield but without any target practise.
Now, they put themselves in a position to be overtaken by Spurs.
So, they still need to improve a lot more.
Henry is instrumental in scoring and getting the gunners out of the dry patch.
But, he cannot perform that same role as the ex-captain.
He cannot be alway tracking down to chase for loose ball.
Attack is the BEST defence.
If he is lousy, he would have jump ship to Barca and stop trying to save a sinking team.
He is still Arsenal at heart.
10 Feb 06, 15:58
Surprised when I saw the results yesterday.