Iveco: This basically got nothing to with you, But since you can find time out of work to come in here find topics and linking here
Then I will say, You consider yourself a established member? Or more of established troll? You revealed your freaking clones to quite a number of peeps. I just have to type a iveco search and I see some monstrous results
What? Your parents earn $20,000 per month? That you get so much money per day that you spend them P-Membership for your clones?
You started all that bullcrap by calling me Chronicles first, Duh!
Gee, Then I 2nd that Skeujin notion and you find that all offensive go "ZOMG?!? HE WANZ MA TOPIX CLOZED!!?!?!!?!?!? THATS UNPOSSIBLE!!! ARKGASDJKAKSJD!!!!!"
If anyone sees that topic, Or even a cop.. You'll be caned for being a paedophile
And no, I don't find Harry Potter a eye candy, Nor do I find that freckled girl a hottie because she isn't. Well for a paedophile like you, That may not be the case
Everyone Else: I'll explain..
Poolman: No, I do not wanna be mod, I simply have no time to be online athough I take out an hour a day to surf the net and chat on MSN
798: Do you know why you sux? You see, During the world cup period, For some reason you called me a kid, What.. You're like 1 year older than me?
Then I was like "Aww crap.."
Then in the Singapore VS China, You replied and said "I doubt a small kid like you would have 100 bucks"
What are you? retarded? Jesus, Can't believe thats such a mardy bum around
Well anyway, You may have registered during 2003.. I'm a noob, If you even know what the really meaning of it that is..
Well, Being a senior and earlier member of the forum isn't gonna impress any or much less get you laid
Oh yeah, By calling me chronicles of snap because we have the same posting styles.. Might as well call me Tan Kim Leng, Because we have the same surname, we play on the right side of the field and we are both chinese
See, isn't there more similarity?
Or call me Joakim Gomez, Because we both can't sing
Unless you have the intelligence level of 1, I wouldn't call that very intelligent