Originally posted by X-men:
After watching the replay last night......
I think the ref is too much.
Why he allow Merlet to take a shot in the box and of cos fall...if he think that Biscan has made an offence (the pulling clearly happened outside the box!)
i reckon he wanted to play advantage but there were multiple mistakes that
sole decision:
1. marlet was given the advantage to take the shot and he did. advantage should ends there.
2. marlet was impeded outside the box.
3. to have a red card on top of a penalty is double the punishment.
end up, the ref was playing advantages instead of advantage:
1. marlet was given a chance to shoot before he blew the whistle.
2. marseille was awarded with a penalty.
3. marseille was rewarded with numerical advantage.
4. marseille was given a goal.