GH and Robson experience the same thing.
They have lost control of the players.
For GH, I believe he become softer after his heart operation.
That is why the players are climbing over the heads.
For Diouf, Liverpool is the first foreign club that he have moved.
So, his comments may not be fair and just as he is comparing to his old club in France.
It is normal for players to group around with fellow country men.
Diouf should be taking this chance to improve his professionalism in football than making this kind of useless remarks.
By the way, GH is the man that brought him to England and pay him the $10 million pound salary.
He is just diverting people's attention from the fact that he is a FLOP.
Although I do not agree with some of GH's tactics, he is still the manager in this decade to win the most trophies and beat the hell out of Man Utd (home and away) for a few season.