Originally posted by jusgal:
I have no wish to be hurt but was hurt.
i no wish to hurt anyones but there are people who are hurt cos of me.
I just dun wanna u to regret for liking me. cos at this point of time i am not certain if i wanna be with u.
I just had a big fall in my life. I only wanna decide when i can be certain about it. no wish to hurt your feelings but i do not want neither of us to regret.
I have no time for regrets cos i do not want anymore regrets.
Hope one day i learn to let go and accept things.....
whether regret to be with you, is your the other half choice. if you are not certain of your feelings with him. then dun commit yourself to him.
You have to overcome your own obstacles first, you say you have no time for any regrets. If you do not want to learn to let go of your past fast, then you wont step in the future at all.