Get Beer companies to buy back their empty beer bottles
Get SPH to buy back USED / OLD newspaper.
(also cut down FT as karang gu ne)
bring container down to hawker centre to buy take-away
drink from water-cooler (installed by EMA)
Stop using 2 stroke engined motor-cycle in Singapore.
install more toilet that do not require flush after "she she"
install more toilet that do not require flush after "she she"
go visit the building opposite CPF building
but for man toilet only
Some already practising liao lor...
Originally posted by caleb_chiang:
Some already practising liao lor...
beer bottle not yet
newspaper also not yet
i agree with the takeaway one, if everyone brings their own container to take away food, then think about the amount of plastics saved, also the cost for both the consumer and retailer.
Originally posted by zaxis:Title: WATERLESS TOILET
Abstract:A toilet that does not require water for use, which may be used in the home or which may be portable for use at locations outside the home, having a disposable, biodegradable bag for catching and storing human waste for disposal, and a method for disposing of said biodegradable bag.
You are a Girl, All man cannot shoot straight, even after practicing 5 times daily for 100 years