Gib, the last quote's really familiar. What movie was that from?
Tell us some jokes too :lol:
Wrong forum for jokes. First section is from The Rock and the second section is from Braveheart.
Originally posted by GIB:Wrong forum for jokes. First section is from The Rock and the second section is from Braveheart.
Yes! Braveheart!
Also check out the quotes in "A Few Good Men", they're really tasteful.
"Casablanca" too, almost every line in the movie is a 'quotable quote' :lol:
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阿水出了å��çš„æ³¡å¦žæ— æ•° 是我们所有男人的眼ä¸é’‰ã€‚他优雅的体æ€�æ•£å�‘出诱人的é…力 让所有的少女都难以抗拒。他那å�Œå�«äººå¿ƒç¢Žçš„眼ç�› ä¸�管多么冷傲的女性 都会被他温柔的眼神所èž�化 他是众所公认的街å�Šæƒ…圣 è¡Œè¿�茶é¤�厅的ç�µé‚ è°�都认识的——蛋塔王å�
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Originally posted by Detached:
Yes! Braveheart!Also check out the quotes in "A Few Good Men", they're really tasteful.
"Casablanca" too, almost every line in the movie is a 'quotable quote' :lol:
Kaffee: Is the colonel's underwear a matter of national security?
I want the truth!
Col. Jessep:
[shouts] You can’t handle the truth!
Can't really remember Casablanca. Saw it when I was much younger.
Ardeth Bay:
[to Alex] By putting this on, you have started a chain reaction that could bring about the next apocalypse.
[Alex gasps]
[to Ardeth] You, lighten up.
[to Alex]
You, big trouble.
[to Jonathan]
You, get in the car.
Mummy Returns
my new fave:
Sid: Oi! 'Ow'd ye spell 'olidaye?
Johnny: S - H - I - T.
from the 1986 movie, Sid & Nancy
"Food on a chain gang is scarce and not very nourishing. The men get one hot meal a day: a bowl of steam." - Take the Money and Run
Is that the only word you know? "No?"
''immortality! take it! its yours!"
Archilles, Troy
Bishop: ''Does making a man a knight make him a better fighter?"
Balian: "Yes"
Die you fucking cockroaches!! (Scarface)
"i curse the day you were born..."
sex in the city...the audience watching the movie clapped when that lady said it to mr. big... it if u dont noe wat im saying...^^
Originally posted by loki_chaos:"i curse the day you were born..."
sex in the city...the audience watching the movie clapped when that lady said it to mr. big... it if u dont noe wat im saying...^^
I think it was the way Charlotte fluttered about with a big belly in the middle of NYC.
She waddled. It's very comical.
yeah..that is the best part of the movie that i like..that is decent...
"Jerry: I didn't sabotage the power plant, the power plant sabotaged me." Be Kind Rewind
"There is no charge for awesomeness."
- Po
He knew the risks, he didn't have to be there. It rains... you get wet.
- Neil McCauley, HEAT
Originally posted by flabber:大哥是对的
hahahahaha... that's the classic one.
John Dunbar (Kevin Costner, Dances With Wolves): The strangeness of this life cannot be measured: in trying to produce my own death, I was elevated to the status of a living hero.
Friar Tuck (Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves): This is grain, which any fool can eat, but for which the Lord intended a more divine means of consumption. Let us give praise to our maker and glory to his bounty by learning about... BEER.
Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks, Forest Gump): My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
虽然有许多å�ªæ˜¯éœ²æ°´æƒ…缘,ä¸�è¿‡ä¹Ÿæ— æ‰€è°“äº†ï¼Œå“ªæ�¥é‚£ä¹ˆå¤šä¸€ç”Ÿä¸€ä¸–。
� 2046
"�马开门!"(cantonese) - Stephen Chow
Odysseus(TROY): Women have a way of complicating things
I watched this twice. And twice, I laughed at this statement....