There are so many complaints of bad service in Singapore all the time but I wonder... have you ever stopped to wonder why?
I remember a series of correspondence in The Straits Times a while back where an SIA passenger was complaining about the hostesses giving better service to the 'ang moh's and one very brave hostess wrote back to say that it's because the 'ang moh's are more polite to them, respect them, and treat them better. The Singaporeans would be demanding, grouchy, and won't even return your greeting whilst the 'ang moh's are the ones who would greet them back with a smile and say 'thanks' for things that are being done for them.
Just look around you and it doesn't take long to spot a Singaporean who's verbally abusing a service staff, being unreasonable, complaining very loudly and just misbehaving.
I applaud the service staff in Singapore for putting up with all sorts of unreasonable behaviour and demands. It's time we recognise them for their hard work!
The customer service staff at the various telecommunications companies like SingTel and StarHub really deserve special mention for their never-failing patience. I also find the staff at Bossini and Giordano generally very cheerful and helpful. Music Junction has staff who are also very approachable and helpful. Citicab drivers and Tibs bus drivers in general are also friendly and cheerful.
I started this thread because I'm really sick and tired of seeing fellow Singaporeans abuse customer service personnel.
It's time we gave credit where it's due. Also, chew on this - are you a good customer / client?
If you're a service staff, feel free to share your woes on this thread.