Whoops, cruumy time for me to go to sleep and miss all of this.
Glad you're feeling a bit better at least, Rhonda!
I've always thought that the loneliest position in a ship's crew is that of the navigator's. The captain's got his crew to run the ship with, and the engineering team pretty much work together to keep the ship running. The navigator, on the other hand, hold the sole responsibility of getting everybody there.
What you're feeling is to be expected for those who choose to go their own way. After all, everybody else is crowding up the well-trodden path, so you can't expect to find much company where you are. Then again, when you do bump into somebody in uncharted waters, he'll know exactly what you mean when you start b*tching about the difficulty of using a sextant.
Okay, crummy analogy - I haven't had my third cup of coffee yet.
I've always taken such quiet moments are the ideal time to regroup my resources and plan my next move. For the unsuspecting world out there, it's just the calm before the storm.
I'll write more when I've had more coffee.