Eric, not that we 'see you no up'... some of us are still sleeping or were already at work, y'know!
I'm sitting here, and I'm totally sapped from a day at work and then spending the rest of the day after work with a colleague, talking and shopping. Am seriously not up to commenting on such a cheem social topic but shall try.
Basically, what people choose to do with their lives, be it gamble it away / engage in homosexual relationships / indulge in some lung-damaging activity, is none of my business. Well, with the exception of smoking where bystanders get affected by 2nd hand smoke as well. I tend to adopt a 'live and let live' attitude. That's not to say I won't criticise things here and there when amongst close friends but it just means that I have no wish to interfere with the lives of strangers.
By now, we should have learnt that a lot of things the govt and authority do, might be illogical but in the end, they still get the last say. Let's say I just choose my battles, and as the years go by, I become more and more selective, choosing to keep one eye closed most of the time in an attempt to deal with my frustrations and such.
Casinos will pump in money to the economy because with their presence, ancillary services and business will sprout and thrive as well. Also, it's time the govt take a step back and stop 'protecting' Singaporeans... if people choose to succumb to their gambling addiction, then they shall have to stand up to the consequences instead of blaming the govt for allowing casinos to be erected in the first place. It's time to be mature and take responsibility without expecting the govt to play a parenting role.
OK, my brain has flatlined now. Gotta go sleep!