Three days only? Avoid the crazy holiday crowd and stay home, veg out, and plan the odd activity.
Have a special Christmas Eve dinner at Foster's / Cafe 211 (both at Holland V, fennymouse!

), then attend Carols by Candlelight Christmas Eve midnight service, then Christmas service early the next morning. Stay home, cuddle and watch VCD's / DVD's together. Cook a special meal together / bake a cake or cookies. Play games together. Whatever... just do it together!

Have fun! I'm working nights on Christmas Eve, Christmas, AND Boxing Day. They are soooooo depriving me of my chance to stand strategically under the mistletoe for a kiss!!! AAAaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!
BTW, didcha know my colleagues didn't even know what a 'mistletoe' was, much less the custom associated with it!!!!!

Someone actually asked me, 'What?! Stand under the MEE SOTO?!!'