before i proceed, my view here might be a bit cynic and offensive. 
today there is something unusual about bloodbank....there are some indian workers donating blood.

i was wondering, those indian workers, those typical blue collar workers found along the street in Seragoon......they are actually donating blood...

this can't be true. but they are actually there.

later i happen to sit next(while giving blood) to one Indian which is donating blood and eavesdrop on the conversation between the nurse and the patient.
Misse:"Do you know that you are giving blood and will be use for yourself later"?
Misse: "Did the doctor tell you that this blood will be use for yourself during the operation"?
Misse: "Are you going to have operation on the liver"
Misse: "Oh i see, you are here to donate your liver"

This indian(tall and skinny), looks under nutrition, is going to donate his liver

Wow, could this be true?

I have this feeling, that he is selling his liver.

I actually feel this way, i feel sad for him or maybe for mankind

After giving blood, he went out and pick up by a good looking and well educated indian. Both went out for a ciggy.
I wonder, donation of liver in spore is only allowed between family members, if i am not mistake. For oversea folks that come to singapore to have liver transpart, what kind of safeguard it has to deal with eligbility? knowing forgery of papers in some countries are rampant.
Left bloodbank with a sagging heart