I like my fishball mee pok not too dry, not too wet, and very spicy, with a generous helping of tong chai (preserved vegetables... can't remember which vege in particular);
I like my white chai tow kway with a lot of chai por (preserved radish);
I like boneless chicken breast, the part which a lot of folks think is too tough and dry but I don't mind cause there's a lot of meat and very little or no bones, which translates into a lot of satisfaction for a disproportionate amount of work;
I won't eat fatty pork unless it is in kong bak bao or in satay or in bak kwa;
I won't eat squid in hor fun or hokkien mee but will eat fried calamari rings and squid balls and fried crispy baby squid in black sauce;
I like spicy Korean ramen cooked with less soup so the consistency of the gravy becomes thicker and stronger;
I eat Tung I's Fried Gluten with Peanuts straight from the can with a pair of chopsticks;
I eat Chilli Tapioca Crisps with chopsticks so my fingers don't get dirtied with chilli oil and I get tortured later when I try to remove my contact lenses before bed (ouch!);
I love to sprinkle my Campbell's Cream of whatever soups or my favourite Chunky Soups with Betty Crocker's fake Bacon Bits;
I love to dip Jacob's plain crackers into my Cambell's Cream of whatever soups;
I love my vegetarian noodles with a lot of gravy;
I can eat the same thing for lunch everyday for weeks on end and then suddenly grow sick and tired of it one fine day and then don't touch it at all for the next few months;
I will order more than enough pizza and extra dishes for one and then keep most of it in the freezer and for the next few days, heat them up for my meals;
I will buy cookies and snacks, satisfy my craving after enjoying just one or two, and then put it aside and forget all about it until it's way past expiry and then I end up throwing it;
I often take donkey months to finish my pints of Ben & Jerry's... I like them soooo much I only allow myself to enjoy it on 'special occasions'

; and
I can take DAYS to finish one large bag of potato chips, including my hot favourites like Lay's Sour Cream and Onion or Ripples Cheddar Cheese and whatchamacallit. My record was 21 days!