Once again, I reiterate my belief that not everyone deserves to be a parent nor can everyone be a good one. I shudder to think how kids like this would grow up to be.
It's the parents' responsibility to discipline the kid, to show him/her how to make morally right choices, teach them values and all but sadly, the focus these days is more on earning enough to give the kid a cushy life, to afford an expensive education for the kid but no heed is being paid to character building.
Reminds me of a recent incident where my colleagues and I really really wanted to slap the granddaughters of one of our patients. The entire family had been giving the doctors and nurses endless grief with their incessant complaints, nit-picking, attempts to dictate the patient's treatment, etc and because of our silly customer service, treat the hospital like a 5-star hotel drive, we end up taking nursing directives from the family, which was utterly ridiculous! These folks even commented once, 'Don't criticise the nurses - you don't know what they will do to our mom!' I mean, for goodness sake!!
So, one day, I went into the room, explained to the patient's daughter that I had to do some procedures for the patient so please return in about 30 mins' time and as I drew the curtains in preparation, I saw one of their granddaughters throwing me this really nasty look, like she wanted to swallow me alive and well, I ought to be a nice, sweet nurse but this family had really driven me to my limits already so I glared back.
What in the world did I do to offend her? I was doing a service to keep her grandma alive, for goodness' sake! I didn't deserve the hostility. You guys shoulda seen that look on her face. It was a 'gou3 yan3 kan4 ren2 di1' look (or as PCK would say, 'see me no up!') and she acted like she was a da xiao jie. Not a surprise since most of the family liked to talk down to us like we weren't worth anything or that we were lesser humans.
They were with us for a week and I was assigned to serve them for that entire duration and I tell you, it was one of the worst weeks I had to endure. Thank God for my buddies who cheered me up and gathered round me and basically became my cheerleading team! hehehe!
Anyways, thanks for listening.