Originally posted by kops21:
Marriage in order to have a FULL-TIME FOOD voucher

I dont know about others, i always get turn off by women who keep claiming that she wants to be a tai tai.

Kops, most of my colleagues at work are wholesome ladies who aren't materialistic at all. They work hard to chip in with the family expenses and in no way do they leech on their husbands. I admire them all. I see them struggling to make a living but they are totally committed to their marriages and they have the tenacity and pureness of character to not kop out when times get tough. I've seen a few of them weather their husbands' retrenchments, illness in the family, sudden unexpected large expenses, etc without ever ever considering divorce as an option. And whilst we joke about being tai-tai's, we all have our feet firmly planted on the ground.
After a while, you learn to see the qualities in them that separate them from the materialistic women. It become glaringly obvious. If I were a guy, I'd be able to sieve out the good women from the materialistic ones. I really consider a few of them as my role models.

I'm very lucky to have known them and be in their midst.
There are good folks out there... it's just kinda hard to find them because they hide in the forest like mousedeer. The ones who flaunt around and get admired and noticed like deer should not be mistaken for the elusive mousedeer!

Hmm... ok, that sounded kinda clumsy.
What I meant to say was, if a guy goes around looking for a trophy wife, very often, when the gold veneer rubs off, you'll see that the shine was just a layer of polish. Gold nuggets are often not so attractive but the value and shine is all hidden. Choose wisely, choose carefully.
I've known guy friends who have girlfriends who seem to talk incessantly about fashion, beauty, spas, resorts, branded stuff, jewellery, hairstyles, boutiques, clubbing, etc... now, THAT's one BIG danger sign. But, sadly, they don't SEE. They love her charms, her girly ways, how cute she is, how pretty, etc... but they are not listening to the things she has her heart and mind on all the time.
The nature of my job exposes me to raw human emotions a lot. There are wives whose first thoughts are, 'Where's the money going to come from now? How am I to pay the household bills?' when their husband falls ill. They'll start to have panic attacks, and become nervous wrecks. They'll suddenly refuse to even touch their husbands sometimes, choosing instead, to order the nursing staff around. Wipe the spittle, trim the nails, etc ...
Then, there are those who love their husbands so much, they come and visit everyday and quietly do things for their husbands like sit by his bedside massaging his limbs, combing his hair, shave his moustache, trim his nails, etc. They'll even talk to him, even if he's unconscious, and play his favourite music, and bring prayer items, photos, etc. Love, and great strength of character... I get so touched by these wives and feel their husbands are so blessed to have married them.
Look at the lady, look at her friends and her family, scrutinise her, listen to what she says, observe how she lives her life... She might not be pretty or she might be a tad clumsy, or seem boring, etc... but if she has a heart of gold, cherish her because ultimately, when illness and poverty strikes, it's not the surface veneer that matters.