After reading The Rape Of Nanking, I had alittle glimpse of wat could have been disturbing Iris Chang's mind tt possibly drove her into depression n eventually her death. It was vividly n morbidly described in words n hauntingly depicted in the black n white photographs. Iris must have seen more horrid pictures. Readers have been spared of over-gruesome pics n certain censorship n alterations of the graphics. The book is an excellent literary piece tt highlighted to ther world of the forgotten Holocaust. Unfortunately, according to speculations, this particular work haunted her n drove her into depression. In the end, she was found dead in her car in a wooded area. Suicide. She died for her work.
Kinda sad..
Just hope her work will effectively notify the world community n put pressure on Japan to officially acknowledge their past war atrocities n pay their due compensation in money n kind. I know tt will be the ultimate satisfaction n gratification for the late Iris Chang.