Originally posted by elindra:
Err my English deteriorated lots. I think if I'm to take my 'O' levels now the most I'll get is a B3

For my biz I speak more mandarin and dialect so those are becoming stronger and my English SUCKS now
In my workplace, it's also Mandarin and dialects.

Sometimes, I'm quite naughty and practice 'selective linguistics' meaning, if someone's trying to be difficult, I oops, sorry, don't know how to speak Hokkien / Cantonese.

Sometimes, for abusive patients, it's 'selective deafness'.

Seriously though, listening to the spoken English at my workplace can be really hilarious!
For instance, once, my colleague told me that 'The patient has a prayer omelette by his bed'. I was

and then I

and my colleagues were all staring at me and didn't know what was wrong until I told them that an 'omelette' is an egg dish whereas what she meant was an AMULET.

Or, there was that instance when I said, 'Been There, Done That!' and my colleague earnestly pestered me, 'Been where? Tell me!!! Tell me!!! I want to know where??' and I was rendered speechless and just

Or, during Christmas, I was grumbling about being made to work nights on Christmas Eve, Christmas AND Boxing Day and being robbed of the chance to be kissed under the mistletoe and my colleague went

, made a bowl with her hand and asked, 'Mee Soto? Stand under the Mee Soto??'.

Then I decided to go around asking my colleagues to find out who knew what a 'mistletoe' was and a sad sad sad day it was cause NOBODY on duty that day knew what in the world a mistletoe was

Scary mistakes at work would be when they use the past tense for things that have yet to be done. For instance,
"Patient's wound dressing done."
"Oh, good. How was the wound?"
"No! No! Dressing not done!"
"Then why did you say 'done'?"
"No! Not done!"

OK, to be fair, not all are Singaporeans but the standard of English for locals is pretty appalling too.
When I was in my corporate job, I used to think that wow... Singaporeans have a good standard of English and are an educated lot. Now, maybe in my job, I get exposed to more people from all walks of life and I'm continually being stunned.
It wouldn't have been so bad if it's the older generations that had bad English, but if you'd just click on 'Newest Topics' here and read the titles of the threads being listed, you'd realise with a sinking heart that it's our younger generation who is callously mis-using English too.