Sometimes it takes the presence of pain to show joy, or the lack of joy, in a clearer way.And have you noticed that the best works deal with feeling and when you see reality around you, cheerfulness is something transient, for we all slog and work and worry so much so that cheefulness has been downgraded to another emotion.It has lost its place as our primary emotion and to be able to feel this loss, is to feel that same pain inside you.

Din have any lit back ground, just another common less eudcated 'boor' who know no such gentlement way of phrasing nice sentence to show how loniness can do so much to make anyone feeling pathetic.
Those who can't write, Teach.
Those who can't teach, talk.
Those who have aplenty 'free time', yearn company.
Those who have too much friends, yearn personal time.
Time spent with friends??? Quality or just to pass time. Time is wasted the very moment when the things people do in a company is not useful.
Don't really understand the meaning of chatting when all about it is only to curse boss, gossip about other people????
Loniness is not about alone, its about not finding the right things to do.. the right people to share your interest or to do things together.
Far apart may true friends be, a simple call is all friends need. Pressence in the heart is all one need not to feel lonely becuz true friends are always there when your in need. Use the time wisely find the right company, lonely is just a journey for those who seek the right company.
Don't lose hope..... Wait till you are 50, you will wish you have spend more time for your dream than waste time on pretenious 'acquaintance' befriending you for what you can give.
Family is always there for you. look closely and you shd find them your best friend.