I think quite a number of us would wish for the closest to perfect partner we could ever have for our first love.
Fall in love for the first time, get married to our first love, and that's it, no hurts, no emotional and psychological baggages, no hang-ups about relationships and the opposite sex, no cynicisms, no commitmentphobia, no run-and-hide's...
Seems like the older you get, the more hurts you've gone through, the stronger you become but there's also a residual cynicism that gets harder and harder to fight. Of course, I'll say that when I fall in love again, there'll be no holds barred but when it comes to the crunch, will my actions REALLY reflect that? It's easy to pay lip service, saying I choose not to be cynical about love and all that but my patterns and choices thus far seems to reflect a disturbing trend.

Well, of course the path of life never did run smooth... But just being an Idealist here.

I can almost hear what some of you would say now... stuff like, 'you'll only appreciate what you have now if you've gone through pain and hurt', 'it'll teach you to cherish the present', etc.
Oh well, just daydreaming.

And why does the path of love just seem smoother for some than for others?

Granted every relationship goes through good times and bad but there are a few folks who just seem charmed in this area.