Originally posted by choco B:
Cute! If threaded with a chain and worn as necklace, the resultant shape should be quite interesting. Like a tied ribbon.
The oo shape resembles the infinity symbol. Can market this as the Infinity ring
Infinite & everlasting.
My colleague has a pendant of the figure 8. But no hinges... can't transform into anything else
Cute, right?
The possibilities are there! And for folks like me who due to my profession might not be able to wear rings, it'll be a great idea. I for one really don't relish the idea of exposing my ring to the harsh handwashing chemicals and the yucky stuff I come across at work. It shall stay on a chain, safe and clean, close to my heart.
And I like your thought about the 'oo' being an infinity symbol.
My ex actually gave me a diamond engagement pendant because, as he explained later, he was listening when I was talking about work and such and he 'got the drift'.
It was really sweet because he took on another job just to pay for it and for a while, I kept asking him why he had to work so hard, not knowing what he was up to. It was a total surprise, which made it all the more memorable. Sweet memories...