Did more pondering on this interesting topic and just wanted to highlight that different folks have different perceptions of what a blog is for.
There are those who will treat it like an online journal, and they'll spill their private thoughts online and as such, will tend to preserve their real identity and choose to remain anonymous instead.
Then there are those who'll use a blog like a 'newsletter', documenting their travels or experiences, etc. There are a few interesting blogs that read like magazine articles.
Others keep blogs to let their friends and loved ones know what's happening in their lives right now. That's great except... what happens when you fall out with your friends? Then, you can no longer document truthfully in your blog without offending someone.
For instance, if you have a friend named Mary and she was an absolute idiot today, you can't possibly write, 'Today, I had a really bad day because Mary was being an absolute pain in the a**, having a royal hissy fit, throwing a grand tantrum over a petty little thing, right in the middle of the busy Orchard MRT Station!'. Especially if you KNOW that Mary is going to read your blog. Unless you want to declare an all out cat-fight, which will definitely make your blog a very interesting read as the claws come unsheathed and blood gets spilled and the fur flies all over the place.
(In which case, I will DEFINITELY read your blog!
So, to blog or not to blog... that is the question!
And oh, bloggers, remember that Big Brother's watching! Remember how a blogger got into trouble with the govt for raising political issues?