Originally posted by seancannot:
... I am neither strong nor firm... either decisive nor assertive ...
This is call Flexible, no?

In a way, life's experience mold our thoughts lor. So, when one evaluates their actions, failures, successes, behaviours, blah, blah......and they learn from it or do something positive about it, they become better than the last time, right? After a while, it's call maturing lor. I think lah, huh.
I am mid 40s but still learning to be a better person/wife/mother/colleague/and the list goes on....everyday is a learning experience. We "die" (spiritually and mentally) when we stop learning.

After looking around me, sickness among friends, young death in family......I try my best to live well each day. Of course there will be down days, but I owe it to myself to pick me up as soon as I can. When one gets moody, upset or negative, it affects the people around them too. That, is not a very good thing/environment.