dragg, I live alone, and have been living alone for almost ten years now.
I love the space and the privacy. Sometimes, after a bad day at work, it's a comfort knowing that I don't have to force myself to be nice and civil to anyone. I open the door to my house and if I feel like it, I leave the lights out - there's enough dim light from the corridors and what-not spilling in through the windows to illuminate your way just so - and just go about in the darkness and quiet.
My thoughts are uninterrupted when I'm home. I ponder on a lot of things, I work on my own projects, I read, I write, I sing, I dance, I watch TV, I raid the fridge... anything I want, anytime I want!

There are some nice little things about living alone - if you bought a bar of chocolate and left it in the fridge, it will definitely be there when you're hit with a chocolate craving in the wee hours of the morning cuz there's no one else to 'steal' it!

No nasty surprises when I need drinking water because there's no one who would empty the flask to the last drop and then 'forget' to boil water for drinking.
But, the loneliness gets to you, especially if it's prolonged. That's when pets, friends and family are priceless - they help you maintain your sanity and emotional well-being!

Cats are great companions to fill up an empty home and bring some 'character' and good cheer to it. Besides, cats can 'warn' you when there are erm... 'intruders of the ethereal sort' aka spirits around so when they don't act suspicious, you'll KNOW that there aren't any lurking about and can set your mind at rest.
Recently, quite a large no. of my buddies became busy with their lives or have flown overseas so almost suddenly, my support network had a huge tear in it. Sometimes, in the oppressive silence of the night, I miss them all with an unbearable ache in my heart. Yeah, living alone is not without its trials.
Overall, it takes strength of character to make it alone.

Not everyone can do a Lone Ranger because I've noticed that too many folks here just cannot stand the thought of being in their own company for too long. I guess being independant from Primary 3 onwards helps (I have a legacy as a latchkey kid and had to babysit my bro and cousins when I was really young).
dragg, going it alone has its ups and downs... but increasingly, I feel that it would be soooo nice to share my space with a special guy!

I'm not desperate though, if it happens, it happens, if not, I'll gladly go it alone!