Originally posted by Gedanken:
Definitely a turn-off.
I'll qualify my answer with the following points.
First, the intent is irrelevant in any case. If you're a third party witnessing it, it's sickening. If you're the object of such tomfoolery with the objective being formation of some sort of relationship, it's sickening and a definite deal-killer. Worst case: if the relationship's already formed and she's still doing the nails-on-chalkboard act, I'd be asking myself what the f*** I was thinking in the first place.
Second, I'm getting the sense that we've got a bit of confusion between flirting and manja here. Flirting's for women, and manja's for tittering schoolgirls. The only thing manja says is that the perpetrator is still living her relationship with her first boyfriend in Sec 2. Now, for some, intellectual and emotional retardation is an aphrodisiac, but for the blokes who know what the score is, it's simply bimbonic botulism.
'Bimbonic botulism'? hahaha!!
I guess some folks mentioned here that there are some women who are helpless and / or clueless and they resort to manja tactics to get help in their work so that they won't get into trouble with their bosses. Well, I guess it's kinda tough to lay blame on those who resort to it to save their ricebowl.
BUT, I draw the line when it comes to educated young women who can obviously fend for themselves who suddenly act all helpless and are suddenly soooo in need of a man to 'protect them' because then, the hypocrisy is sooo thick even the blind would know it's fake!
That's when it gets disgusting.
Granted, we all need help at one point or other. Yesterday, I was at a pub and we had to stand at a table cause there were no seats, which was bad news for me cause of my recent knee injury. So I just voiced out, 'I wish we had seats because I don't think all this standing is going to do any good for my knees!' and 'one gentleman' (
) in our group went over to another table and asked for a chair. Sooo sweet!
I didn't even need to manja... all I did was to make known my needs and the guy was gallant enough to help!
Tonight, I met a friend after shopping and he volunteered to help with my shopping bags (yeah, I had retail therapy today to celebrate 'Freedom Day'!
) and I didn't even need to manja either. All I did was look sheepish and grin like a Cheshire cat when he saw me so burdened and then, help was offered.
I guess it feels much better because I didn't have to resort to manja-ing to get help.
Now, if I had to weasel my way through by resorting to manja tactics, sure, I'll get things done my way but I'd know that I had manipulated the guy somewhat and I'd feel bad about it. I guess this would disturb some more than others.
I guess women who manja / der usually resort to it to get attention. Observe closely - they are the attention-seekers who must be the life of the party, who loves it when attention if focused on them, when they are the 'star' of the show, when they can wrap a guy round her little finger and get him to do her bidding, etc.
Gedanken, you're right about the flirting and manja bit - it is hard to draw the distinction at times. I guess you'll know it's manja when you witness it, and it gets you squirming uncomfortably in your seat whilst you get overwhelmed with nausea and you suddenly have an incredible urge to shrivel up and die!
Flirting's when it's done with 'class'... manja-ing is when the above happens!
And oh, to those people who think that the few of us ladies who are ranting about this issue are doing so because we're 'sour grapes' and are unable to manja successfully ourselves, that's not the real issue. What motivates me to write strongly about this at times, is that I simply do not like to see people abusing 'feminine wiles' to manipulate a guy. Maybe I'm frigid, but I don't like to see people being made use of, and I make no apologies for that. But if you're a 'willing victim', or 'willing bearer' of this, then, erm... my condolences!
Because there will come a day when you will outgrow your fondness for women who manja excessively, and then, trouble will start to brew.