I thought those resale flat owners can sublet flat to anyone they like?Originally posted by shinta:You can if you're gross family income is below a certain amount
less than a k every month also got prob with HDB wat..Originally posted by shinta:private is too exp..
i bring home less than a k every mth
35, by then very long liao wor.. and if i have kids, very squeezy lei
see wrongly hahaOriginally posted by The man who was death:I thought those resale flat owners can sublet flat to anyone they like?
combined income pay hdb no problem ar..Originally posted by jOhO:less than a k every month also got prob with HDB wat..
anyway with combined income should be ok, anyway the ROm date already there, not that i can, or be bothered to decipher when it is lar! ahahhaha..
and yes HDB does rent out their flats under special schemes.. as in really rent, per per month.. dun ask me details tho.![]()
ya lor.. so u know.. ehehOriginally posted by shinta:combined income pay hdb no problem ar..
but private esp condo, got mthly maintenancethat one headache
i noe the details to the rental thing havin been to hdb with my mom on a couple of occassions
Originally posted by elindra:Wahhhh I go to work and come back home and this thread has ballooned into a 5 page monster. Ok guys I did breifly read through but not in detail.
I think the writer has some conflicting beliefs in herself when she wrote that article. Anyway, I'm not going to comment on what I think she thinks but on what I think she wrote about, in my opinion (like anyone cares) Anyway, I think in today's context the word 'obey' carries a very negative meaning....kinda you obey because you're a slave.....
Anyway, my dad, like most dad's have the old and ancient dark ages mentality that a woman's place is at home, in the kitchen (Actually I think he has conflicting views too - He thinks my mum should work and take care of the house at the same time, anyway that is him and my mum have accepted from day one that he will not help out with the housework)
Therefore, in view of that, I do not think that To love, is to obey. But it is more like, To love, is to accept who the person really is, within reasonable limits, meaning that the person is not abusive for example.
Take me and Chris for example. I don't think there is a clear defination on who is the 'leader' in our relationship. For certain stuff, he is the main decision-maker though he ask me for my views, and for other things, I'm the main decision-maker though I seek his point of view as well. Basically, what we are doing is making up for each other flaws like he can't write letters and hate filling up forms whereas I know nuts about the difference between a wrench and a crowbar. It really all boils down to mutual respect and recognizing each other strengths and weaknesses, so in a way, you can say, "To Love, is to Accept and compliment each other"
We also stay out of each other's way when the person is in a bad mood. If the person were to lash out for no reason, we hold our tongue because it will lead to nothing but arguments. We just wait for the party to cool down before sitting down to thrash it out like adults. Be it man or woman, we have our moods and tempers. Though it is not right to take it out on each other but keep in mind that the person didn't mean to, it's just that you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Just be there for the person and they will cool down once the pressure is out.
I agree with her strongly though, never ever put your partner down in front of others. This applies to both the guy and the girl. This is BASIC mutual respect.
Originally posted by jOhO:ya lor.. so u know.. eheh
how come we talking about housing now ar? hmm.. dun u just love the culture of forums?![]()
wah.. that must really suck...Originally posted by shinta:![]()
I'm shifting again
2nd time this year
tpy... to... maybe yishun still sourcing.Originally posted by jOhO:wah.. that must really suck...
from where to where?
Originally posted by Nelstar:Marriage is a ceremony where two different individuals decide to come together and to start on a family. This bonding is recognised by the Government, and thus, it is an example to show to our partners that we are willing to share our differences, hardships and joy.
Cohabitation simply means anyone can walk out anytime without giving a reason, while marriage is a form of trust where we will be expecting reasons, understanding and more importantly a shared responsibility. Thus, we build upon this bonding, to start a family, to find happiness within the hardships together.
I think the best way is to try to explain carefully in a proper tone instead of screaming. Patience also has to come in when you allow time for your partner to express their views. Communication is a skill, very important to a couple.Originally posted by elindra:Wahhhh I go to work and come back home and this thread has ballooned into a 5 page monster. Ok guys I did breifly read through but not in detail.
I think the writer has some conflicting beliefs in herself when she wrote that article. Anyway, I'm not going to comment on what I think she thinks but on what I think she wrote about, in my opinion (like anyone cares) Anyway, I think in today's context the word 'obey' carries a very negative meaning....kinda you obey because you're a slave.....
Anyway, my dad, like most dad's have the old and ancient dark ages mentality that a woman's place is at home, in the kitchen (Actually I think he has conflicting views too - He thinks my mum should work and take care of the house at the same time, anyway that is him and my mum have accepted from day one that he will not help out with the housework)
Therefore, in view of that, I do not think that To love, is to obey. But it is more like, To love, is to accept who the person really is, within reasonable limits, meaning that the person is not abusive for example.
Take me and Chris for example. I don't think there is a clear defination on who is the 'leader' in our relationship. For certain stuff, he is the main decision-maker though he ask me for my views, and for other things, I'm the main decision-maker though I seek his point of view as well. Basically, what we are doing is making up for each other flaws like he can't write letters and hate filling up forms whereas I know nuts about the difference between a wrench and a crowbar. It really all boils down to mutual respect and recognizing each other strengths and weaknesses, so in a way, you can say, "To Love, is to Accept and compliment each other"
We also stay out of each other's way when the person is in a bad mood. If the person were to lash out for no reason, we hold our tongue because it will lead to nothing but arguments. We just wait for the party to cool down before sitting down to thrash it out like adults. Be it man or woman, we have our moods and tempers. Though it is not right to take it out on each other but keep in mind that the person didn't mean to, it's just that you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Just be there for the person and they will cool down once the pressure is out.
I agree with her strongly though, never ever put your partner down in front of others. This applies to both the guy and the girl. This is BASIC mutual respect.
I no patience deOriginally posted by Nelstar:I think the best way is to try to explain carefully in a proper tone instead of screaming. Patience also has to come in when you allow time for your partner to express their views. Communication is a skill, very important to a couple.![]()
That's where I come into the picture ma.Originally posted by shinta:I no patience de
How u come in?Originally posted by Nelstar:That's where I come into the picture ma.![]()
Originally posted by BufPuf:to love is to give and take
he give and i take
and i believe we have reached a common understanding between the both of us![]()
Originally posted by BufPuf:to love is to give and take
he give and i take
and i believe we have reached a common understanding between the both of us![]()
Sorree abit busy at work now to type a lengthy discussion, but here's my reponse:Originally posted by Nelstar:Marriage is a ceremony where two different individuals decide to come together and to start on a family. This bonding is recognised by the Government, and thus, it is an example to show to our partners that we are willing to share our differences, hardships and joy.
Cohabitation simply means anyone can walk out anytime without giving a reason, while marriage is a form of trust where we will be expecting reasons, understanding and more importantly a shared responsibility. Thus, we build upon this bonding, to start a family, to find happiness within the hardships together.
Cohabitation is by choice. Marriage is also by choice.Originally posted by jOhO:Sorree abit busy at work now to type a lengthy discussion, but here's my reponse:
the things u mentioned for both scenarios are not mutually exclusive. u can just up and go in a marriage just as u could in a cohabitation, just that it's a litte more troublesome to do so.
by the same token, there are plenty of ways to show your partner your commitment and willingness to share joys and differences other than having a "govt endorsed ceremony"....
don't get me wrong, i see myself signing the paper and having a ceremony. it just doesn't rub me the right way when someone implies that cohabitation is wrong. and even worse when the reasons they give for the wrongness of cohabitation could well happen in a marriage too (for example, the "leave anytime you want" part..)
not targeting at u personally, but it's my "lifelong agenda" to protect, if not, promote, cohabitation, whether or not it leads to marriage.
i find absolutely nothing wrong with it.
the converse is NOT true too, i'm not a person who MUST cohabitate in order to have a fulfilling reln, just to disclaim myself.
i wouldn't say we can rip the govt of $$....Originally posted by Nelstar:Given an opportunity to easily rip the Government of money to get my shelters... I'll say why not?![]()