Originally posted by k4korny:
If you put it in the freezer, it won't go bad so fast rite? think rhonda posted a list on how long stuff can tahan in the fridge/ freezer.
Actually for me, when i cook for myself, my prob is that if i buy a chicken, my menu will go like: Mon- Right Chicken thigh with Bee Hoon, Tues- Left Chicken thigh w BH, Wed- Chicken wings w BH, Thurs- Left Chicken Breast w BH, Fri - FINALLY finish that d@mn chicken!!

... and I always end up cooking beehoon soup with some 'liao of the day'.

cos it's impossible to cook rice for one person yah?
k4korny, why buy one entire chicken if you can buy separate chicken parts?

I always head up to the wet market / supermart and purchase chicken parts but never the entire chicken, unless I'm cooking soup.
It's not impossible to cook rice for just one - use the microwave, which yields surprisingly evenly-cooked rice fast, or use a small claypot and cook it over a stove.

I've seen someone use one of those new claypots with smooth insides so that the rice doesn't get burnt and stick to the bottom of the pot.
Try it!

Alternative, the other, more convenient and 'cheaper' solution is, to buy at the chap chai stall!

I mean, how else can you get one meat dish, two vege dishes and rice for just $3 or so?