Originally posted by Gedanken:I'm not going to bother arguing with your one irrelevant point after another.
You're the one who's missed the point. The fact of the matter is that you've argued your way around a circle and ended up showing that you couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag.
Now you're throwing in enough red herrings to wreck the Japanese and Norwegian seafood markets in an attempt to hide your screw-up. You may be of limited enough intellect to miss the forest for the trees, but don't insult the rest of us by assuming we have the same limitation. You can say that it's contextual usage and piddle on about grammatical accents, but at the end of the day it's still all bullsh!t because you're still wrong.
I will again bring up the key point here. You started saying that Rhonda was writing in a way that was not natural to Singaporeans, as a way of arguing against elindra's point about fake accents. I showed how, as a result of Singapore's education system, Rhonda's writing is in fact natural to Singaporeans since that was the way we were taught to write according to the standard school syllabus in Singapore. Let me put it in short form since you seem to have difficulty concentrating on the salient points:
So, don't go trying to distract from the issue with crap like contextual usage and grammatical accents. Because you're too dumb to realise it, let me tell you in plain English:
Don't go trying to tell anyone how clever you are by pulling clever-sounding phrases out of your arse. In fact, I now have you wrong on a second count:
The context here is the issue of your not recognising your mistake in claiming that Rhonda's writing is unnatural for Singaporeans, even though I've clearly hauled you up on that point. Instead of recognising the context when it slaps you in the face, you ironically go on a tangent of contextual usage. Therefore:
I've got no compunction about calling you a hypocrite when the situation calls for it. You're a hypocrite, and a dumb one at that.
Don't waste anybody's time trying to sound educated - it doesn't take a whole lot of education to see right through you. To quote Quint in Jaws, you "don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong".
Stop with the rubbish already. Just answer this simple question: "Given the way English is taught in Singapore, is Rhonda's writing really unnatural for Singaporeans?". A simple yes or no will do, and nothing else you say will count.[/b]
Well, hell, that's one thing you're right about. It IS easy. You're the one doing all the work by putting in posts to show how dumb, hypocritical and gutless you are - all I have to do is point out how.Originally posted by Bloop...:It's easy to call someone dumb and attack them personally, in fact that's the best way to cover up your own stupidity.
Originally posted by Gedanken:Placing that quote from her isn't enough to answer your question? When were you thought to write like that in Singapore? You really need to deflate your head a little and realize you're nowhere as intelligent as you think you are.
Yada, yada, yada, "conversely", yada yada, yada, "grammatical accent", yada yada, yada, "simple fact of the matter", yada yada, yada, "contextual usage", yada yada, yada, "attack them personally", yada yada, yada, "look down on others".
I say again: "[b]Given the way English is taught in Singapore, is Rhonda's writing really unnatural for Singaporeans?". Yes or no?
You can crap on all you want, but the only thing you're telling me is that you're either too dumb or too gutless to answer the question.[/b]
You really need to re-read your own posts as well... If that's not too difficult for you. Do you need to pull out all your reseach notes again? Did you bookmark your dictionary?Originally posted by Gedanken:Well, hell, that's one thing you're right about. It IS easy. You're the one doing all the work by putting in posts to show how dumb, hypocritical and gutless you are - all I have to do is point out how.
Ged, stop your farking nonsense lah....trying to out smart yourself again isit?Originally posted by Gedanken:Well, hell, that's one thing you're right about. It IS easy. You're the one doing all the work by putting in posts to show how dumb, hypocritical and gutless you are - all I have to do is point out how.
Yeah, i was wondering when you'd pop your ugly head up here, Gaz. This is right up your alley, isn't it?Originally posted by Gazelle:Ged, stop your farking nonsense lah....trying to out smart yourself again isit?
Lao lan kia!!!
Cut that crap abouut panty sniffing lah. Farking childish sia. Call youself a doctor? F off lah!!! James!!Originally posted by Gedanken:Yeah, i was wondering when you'd pop your ugly head up here, Gaz. This is right up your alley, isn't it?
Wah lao lan si ler ay tai ji meh?
BTW, love the sig! I've had so many people asking about it, and I've had to tell them about your panty-sniffing debacle!
Originally posted by Gedanken:I would say that you can add a knack to assume things and take them as fact to your list of egocentric mannerisms, but you've already displayed that to death.
No, it certainly isn't enough, dummy. It's fine, I'm already accustomed to your lack of intellectual capability, so I forgive you for not thinking this one through.
Now I'm don't know where you went to school, but I was certainly taught that writing that sentence in such a way is correct and acceptable, [b]in a Singaporean school.
All this time it's been generally agreed that, in terms of both accent and vocabulary, if it's the result of the environment you've grown up in, there's no problem. Rhonda was educated in a Singaporean school, where she was taught that such writing was accepted, so why shouldn't she write that way? Your gripe about that sentence is therefore entirely inapplicable to the context that you so love harping on about.
Good, now that I've had to do the analysis work for you, I can add laziness to your other endearing qualities of hypocrisy and stupidity. Keep it coming.[/b]
Me? Cut the crap about the panty sniffing? hey, you're the one who bragged about sniffing your friend's sister's panties on the bar! If I recall correctly, it was elindra who found that thread, and all of us ahd a good laugh about it.Originally posted by Gazelle:Cut that crap abouut panty sniffing lah. Farking childish sia. Call youself a doctor? F off lah!!! James!!
Uh, hello? Basic English idioms? Maybe sec one or two, "One swallow does not a spring make"? How was Shakespeare taught at your school?Originally posted by Bloop...:I would say that you can add a knack to assume things and take them as fact to your list of egocentric mannerisms, but you've already displayed that to death.
The mass majority of Singaporeans went to school in Singapore and no, no one was taught to speak that way. If we pick it up by reading own own books or watching television and had it validated in school... yes. Taught to speak that way in school no.
The same way, an American accent is also picked up from watching television and movies which airs in Singapore day after day after day. So if someone chooses to emulate it, badly or not... They are just as entitled to do that.
Anymore insults to add to your badly thought through, pulled out of the air "facts"?
I dont think you know the definition of bragging? Maybe you should look yourself into the mirror to look for the answer.....Originally posted by Gedanken:Me? Cut the crap about the panty sniffing? hey, you're the one who bragged about sniffing your friend's sister's panties on the bar! If I recall correctly, it was elindra who found that thread, and all of us ahd a good laugh about it.
I didn't bring that one up - you did!
BTW, have you stopped harrassing elindra yet? I've suggested that she report you, but she's just too kind to animals.
I am afraid to say that your whole life is egocentric, not just your education.Originally posted by Gedanken:Uh, hello? Basic English idioms? Maybe sec one or two, "One swallow does not a spring make"? How was Shakespeare taught at your school?
Nothing egocentric about my educational experience at all, I'm afraid. if you were asleep during classes, don't go telling me about the Singaporean English syllabus.
FYI, I am not here to make friend, and you dont call them friend if you dont even know who the F they are.Originally posted by Gedanken:Hey, hey hey, don't get me wrong, gazelle. I was just saying that because of your signature, a lot of people have been asking about you. Anyway, as it turns out, a lot of people were entertained by the story of how we got to know each other, and they kept asking more, so sooner or later it had to reach the part about the panty sniffing, and man, did it make them laugh.
Thanks, gazelle, you've made me a whole lot of new friends on the forum!
Sure I do call them friends - hell, ask Rhonda, elindra, and a whole lot of others. Outside of this forum, we meet up, hang out and generally have a good time. Unlike you, I've got nothing to hide, so I can meet up with them with a clear conscience.Originally posted by Gazelle:FYI, I am not here to make friend, and you dont call them friend if you dont even know who the F they are.
As for the signature, I am sure there are as many people wondering who the F is this Ged who make $30K a month out of crazy people? Wah you richer than Duria leh....beh pai leh..!!! Do you fly first class as well? Or your prefer to fly economy class, but act like a first class passenger?![]()
You got nothing to hide? Why dont you try walking around with your pants down?...Originally posted by Gedanken:Sure I do call them friends - hell, ask Rhonda, elindra, and a whole lot of others. Outside of this forum, we meet up, hang out and generally have a good time. Unlike you, I've got nothing to hide, so I can meet up with them with a clear conscience.
You see, constantly telling elindra that you're hanging out at Boat Quay Harry's waiting for her is definitely not the way to make friends - it just creeps people out. Eeugh - my skin crawls even thinking about your lurking.
Yeah, a lot of people do wonder about your signature, but oddly enough, the question they ask is, "Who's that weirdo and why's he so obsessed with you?".
As for flying, I fly economy and get the seats next to the door. Never could justify the cost of first - been bumped up a couple of times, tried it out, and admittedly it's kind of nice, but it doesn't make me hate flying any less.
I need to work lah...you think everybody is like you meh, shaking legs, making big bucks..Originally posted by Gedanken:What, Gaz, ran out of things to say? I must have hit too close to the truth there.
Or maybe he went to sniff some panties just to calm himself down.