The answer is 'perspective'. You probably felt that the words they used are 'bombastic', hence giving them a false sense of heightened intellect.Originally posted by Bloop...:...ditto to big words and fancy-schemancy language when teeny-tiny words and plain grammer will do. 'why' ?
Yes, just like she prob felt that she was speaking effortlessly too.Originally posted by Rhonda:And perhaps, you do not read well.
I do not deliberately use 'big words and flairful language' because the words just flow from me as I type my posts. I do not sit here and induce a royal headache thinking of how to make my posts articulate and what-not. I type as I think.
You aren't as open-minded nor as magnanimous as you are trying to make yourself sound because look who dealt the first blow in criticising my post?
You are being elitist yourself, if you haven't already noticed.So, don't play the self-righteous card.
I like the middle ground. Its nice and warm and non-confrontational.Originally posted by Rhonda:Hey, MrIllusion, it's a pleasure reading your posts!Thanks for taking an objective view.
"objective" sure... sure...Originally posted by Rhonda:Hey, MrIllusion, it's a pleasure reading your posts!Thanks for taking an objective view.
Hey we don't abuse our powersOriginally posted by MrIllusion:I like the middle ground. Its nice and warm and non-confrontational.
Plus I wouldn't want to incur the wrath of the moderators...
Originally posted by MrIllusion:I like the middle ground. Its nice and warm and non-confrontational.
Plus I wouldn't want to incur the wrath of the moderators...
Sure, I would believe that if she didn't stumble over her speech or switched to a local accent while speaking to her friend, and have trouble switching back when speaking to the aunty and replied with Mandarin instead in the end.Originally posted by Bloop...:Yes, just like she prob felt that she was speaking effortlessly too.
Exactly! Felt... Perception...Originally posted by MrIllusion:The answer is 'perspective'. You probably felt that the words they used are 'bombastic', hence giving them a false sense of heightened intellect.
From my point of view, they are writing in a manner which they are most comfortable with. Frankly, looking at the consistency of their posts, I think they would appear to be more out of place if they typed in Singlish just to blend in with Singlish-speaking Singaporeans.
On the other hand, elindra probably felt the lady at the deli was out of place with her forcced accent, and would have been more natural if she spoke Singlish.
We won't know for sure unless we're there. And even if we were there, the matter of whether her forced accent sounds natural or not is also subject to difference of opinion.
EDIT: Argh..I got ninja'ed by rhonda. I'm not trying to parrot the moderators. Just happens I keep getting that 'congested traffic' page.
LOL! I see the server hasn't been too kind to you as well. I suspect the high traffic is due to the SGgirls forum.Originally posted by Bloop...:Point taken. You really don't need to spam.
Heh.What is bombastic anyway?Originally posted by elindra:This topic is not about the standard of English in Singapore
Then again, since we are on it, if what Rhonda typed is deemed bombastic, I am really worried about the standard of English in Singapore, especially so with China opening up and the Chinese sooo hungry and eagar to master the English language!
Why? Well, because just about everyone I know here, except my closest friends and relatives, speak to me with an accent too. Whatever their reason may be, it's their choice and yes, I did take some offence to your postOriginally posted by elindra:Sure, I would believe that if she didn't stumble over her speech or switched to a local accent while speaking to her friend, and have trouble switching back when speaking to the aunty and replied with Mandarin instead in the end.
Anyway, why are you over so defensive over an observation I made? Unless you are the party I'm talking about?
Originally posted by k4korny:I feel that part of our linguistic problem is due to the compulsory learning of both English and mother-tongue. I can't speak for the Malays and Indians, but most Chinese who prefer their mother-tongue tend to think in Mandarin, before translating their sentences into English. If you think about the sentence structure of Singlish, you will see what I mean.
I'm sure i'm not the only singaporean that faces this. People just don't want to admit that on a macro level, our linguistic aptitude here in singapore (both Mandarin and English) is simply ATROCIOUS.
When the government steps in to say that it is becoming a problem, SG-reans just love to complain and say that the government is trying to erode our identity, propaganda, etc., etc... and undermine all the good intentions.I have no problems if the government sees a potential problem and acknowledges it. But when the root of the problem is caused by a policy of their own design (in my opinion), I should have the right to be sceptical.