Originally posted by coffeeortea:
i miss my friends and family.. here i am in usa .. 17 and alone without my family.. good experience to learn how to be more independant and etc.. though i have lotsa friends here as well.. there's just something about the people's character here and the way things are done that i don't really enjoy as here. it feels like over here.. lotsa people are making use of each other and all that stuff.. and you can't trust anyone.. there is no form of brotherhood or whatever hood here.. only hoodlums.. up till now.. i've been here for 8 months.. and there are only 3 people that i can really talk to here
Hi, coffeeortea!
I have quite a few American friends and I used to work with Americans too in my ol' corporate job, so you could say that I've had quite a lot of encounters with them.
I would say that in the beginning, there's a need to adjust and get used to their culture because like you pointed out, they are very different from us. However, most of them are just clueless about how to approach us or if we would want to be approached at all in the first place.
I've discovered that if you communicate openly to them, most of them would be more than happy to strike up a conversation with you. I've learnt to just walk up to a neighbour and exclaim, "Say, I just wanted you to know that your roses are the loveliest I've seen in this neighbourhood! You've really got green fingers!" and before long, ta-da! ... a new friend.

They kinda tend not to take time to draw someone out of their shells, so you'll have to take a deep breath, bury your fears, and just walk up to them and make small talk.

Sometimes, friendships start by asking each other for help or helping each other out. In that sense, try not to think of them as 'making use' of each other. For sure, their friendships are different from the ones we enjoy here, but I've learnt that once they accept you into their lives, they are pretty warm folks too!