women wants one man to satisfy all their needs while men wants all women to satisfy their one need.
Assume make an ass out of you and me
Somebody f*** the girl, I become the father
Assumption is the father and mother of all screw ups
Tell me you pee standing up, but when you go toilet, you actually squat down.
- from a old Warrant Officer of mine...
think i posted somewhere b4, DPS?
it takes two hands to clap, and only one hand to slap!
original one okie!
cool. this thread's really cool!
men do not care how nobly they live, but only how long they live, although it is within the reach of every man to live nobly, but within no man's power to live long.
'why do guys get the mistake that when a girl flirts with him, he thinks she wants him to kiss her, but instead she only wants him to want to kiss her'
didn't really get this at first.. yeah but pretty cool.