Y'know, I can't help looking at the borrowing slips left behind by previous borrowers in the library books too.
It does seem to tell some sorta 'story' about the borrower, assuming, of course, that he/she was borrowing the books for self. Makes me feel 'normal' to know that you have that habit too!
Y'know, on my second last night on my special assignment, one of the nurses there, a middle-aged lady with kids, looked at me and another colleague as we went about trying to take BP readings off the poor chap, and she said, 'You (our colleague) are the 'Xian2 Qi1 Liang2 Mu3' type... and you (me)... you are more the 'Duo1 Zhi1 Duo1 Cai3' type - your life will be very interesting and full of 'colour'!'
I didn't really get what she was trying to say... like, does that mean she's insinuating that I'm 'Xiao4 Li4 Lang1 Dang1' (frivolous & flamboyant / flibbertigibbet) type?
Not so sure if it's a good thing... so, I clarified by asking her to explain...
'Oh, there never will be a dull moment with you around. You are full of ideas and you're pretty spontaneous and daring!'
Well, I STILL don't know if it's meant to be a compliment since those are characteristics you don't normally attribute to your 'typical' nurse.
But, oh well, whatever... Duo Zhi Duo Cai it shall be then... for better or for worse!! AAaaaahhh-haaaaaahahahahahaha!!!