I thought some of these points were interesting, so am sharing this with you all
Are you constantly tired? Do you need regular doses of caffeine just to get you through the day?
Try these 10 Tips to energise your day:
Go to bed by 10:30 every night . The body rejuvenates itself better before midnight than after midnight.
Get up at the same time every day . Your body works best when you follow a routine. It is actually better to get up at the same time every morning even if you go to bed late.
Get plenty of sunlight . Try to get outside for part of every day, even in cold weather. Just looking at the sun through a window helps.
Get 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity five times a week .
Eliminate or greatly reduce sugar from your diet . Sugar plays havoc with blood sugar levels and causes highs and lows in energy.
Eat breakfast . It takes three to five hours to convert what you eat into fuel for the body. If you do not eat breakfast, you will be running on empty the entire day.
Take a five-minute energy break every hour to one hour and a half. Get up. Walk around. Do neck rolls. Take five deep breaths. Refocus.
Avoid caffeine. Caffeine is a drug. It will give you an energy boost but it will also drop your energy levels like a hot potato when its effects wear off. It will also affect your sleep.
Drink plenty of water - 8 to 10 glasses a day. Dehydration is one of the main causes of fatigue.
Ginger and CoQ10 have been effective in improving energy levels.
Tip provided by Victor Brick www.brickbodies.com