Something I am trying to fulfill
But attempting # 3, 8, & 9 are too difficult at times!
10 Healthy Weight Loss TipsProvided by Lisa Guy Naturopath1. It is important to eat regularly otherwise your metabolism will become sluggish. Make sure you have breakfast, healthy snacks, lunch and dinner.
2. A diet higher in protein, lower in carbohydrates and moderate in good fats (EFA's) will promote weight loss. Good sources of protein include lean meat, fish, organic chicken, nuts & seeds, dairy products (yoghurt, low fat milk, low fat cottage cheese), soy products (low fat milk, tofu, tempeh, miso, yoghurt), egg whites, legumes/beans, spirulina, some protein bars and powders. By eating protein with each meal this will reduce sugar and hunger cravings.
3. Cut down on refined carbohydrates (white rice, pasta, noodles, breads, cakes, and biscuits) and introduce small amounts of wholesome complex carbohydrates (whole oats, brown rice, whole grains).
4. Drink a few cups of Green tea a day. Green tea is rich in powerful antioxidants, and is beneficial for stimulating weight loss.
5. Alcoholic drinks are usually high in calories and promote weight gain (especially wine, beer, sugary soda drinks).
6. Eliminate saturated fats from diet (take away foods, butters and margarines, vegetable oils, coconut and palm oils), and replace them with a moderate amount of EFA's (olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts & seeds, avocado, fish). Use flaxseed oil on toast instead of butter.
7. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Reduce fruit juices and substitute for small fresh vegetable juices that are lower in simple sugars. A great combination is carrot, beetroot, celery, ginger, apple, with some spirulina powder added (high in vitamins and minerals, cleansing, detoxing, and immune boosting).
8. Stay clear of creamy sauces, mayonnaise or dishes made from coconut milk. Use natural yoghurt instead in sauces, mayonnaise, curries and soups.
9. Cut down on sugary foods (lollies, cakes, soft drinks, chocolates) that are high in calories. If you need something sweet have a small amount of dried fruit, ¼ protein bar, a few carob buds, chai or dandelion tea (low fat soy milk, natural sweetener xylitol).
10. Drink at least 1 _ 1 ½ Litres of water a day, to help flush toxins out of the body. Add some squeezed lemon juice to a large glass of water and drink first thing in the morning to kick start your digestive system.