Hi, folks! I've been mulling over this for the past few weeks.
I feel that instead of organising functions that are solely for our enjoyment, why don't we pool our time and resources to do something for those amongst us who are less fortunate?
Instead of spending the money that we would've spent in one of our many makan sessions, let's donate that money to a charity instead.
I thought it might be good for us to 'adopt' an orphange / children's home, and I'd like to share about Canossaville Children's Home.
This is a home where kids who lack parental support ie. from single-parent homes or from troubled, broken familes, or who are orphaned, stay in. They have a total of about 92 kids under their care.
Read more about the
Cannossaville Children's Home!
I checked with one of their staff and apparently, they already have activities lined up for the kids from now till end of the year. What we can do for them is basically to either turn up at the home and throw a party for the kids, or we can sponsor an outing for the children. The best period would be to target next year, as so far, nothing much has been planned yet.
I also found out that they don't really have a proper library for their kids. If you have used Children's books, or would like to purchase new ones to donate to their library, let's pool together to help them acquire a few new books. How about we get-together to purchase children's books for their library, and then present it to them as a kind of Christmas gift?
If we get enough folks who are willing to donate to their library, we could perhaps, negotiate for better discounts at the bookstore, so that more books can be acquired with the same amount of money.
Think about this, guys! But most importantly, act on it.
Let me know who's interested in chipping in for the library!
And, for the event next year, I'll definitely need help organising things, so, do let me know too, who's interested.
Thanks for your attention!