go read up about the history of De Beers, not as told by them but the real thing..
they were a bunch of cutthroat thugs who strongarmed everyone into selling out to them.. thus creating the monopoly we know now...
then they hoodwinked a whole planet into their "a diamond is forever" ad.. the most successful ad of all time...
if you only knew.. before De Beers, diamonds weren't that valuable.. it's just that the artificial inflation by De Beers, and their stockpiling of the gem, slowly releasing them to the world that made them seem so "valuable"..
in the past, diamonds were mostly used as tools..
congratulations.. you now know...
go do your research and be aware... btw, Dennis now has that very revealing book by Greg Campbell... if you want and he has finished with it, you may want to borrow it.. or to raid the library for it..
here's the Amazon.com ad for it =>
Blood DiamondsOriginally posted by Rhonda:
I was just thinking that they might just resort to something like that but then, I thought, that would be a bit overboard.