We have been very blessed so far. We don't face natural calamities. We are snug, cozy, and protected in our little dot on the map.
I wonder if we'll have the resources to weather a national disaster of that kinda scale!

For sure, the attitudes of Singaporeans would need to change. Instead of demanding this and that, or being critical about the failure of the govt and the public systems, etc. in times of disaster, we'll all have to pull our belts together, hold hands, and do the work of rescuing and rebuilding.
Not sure if we can do that, cause we have a molly-cuddling attitude and a 'Blame' culture that's pervasive.

This brings to mind an observation by a Singaporean Plastic Surgeon who went to Bali during the first bomb blast to tend to the burns victims there. He said that there was a man on a trolley with bad burns to his body and limbs, and yet, when he approached that man to help him, that man pointed to another person and told the doctor to tend to the other man first, he needs the medical attention more than him.
Now, do you think we could find selfless Singaporeans like that here?