Well, true. If you have cohabited, or if you have been intimate ( and I don't mean just in the sexual sense... emotional intimacy can be more binding, in my opinion, esp if you're a pretty private person), it is much harder to forget.
Or, if you achieved a lot of first's together, like, first person you kissed, first person you wanted to marry, etc.
But then, ultimately, one has to face the fact that the person's time in your life is now over. Maybe, he/she was meant to walk just part of your life's journey with you, but someone else will take over the baton and walk the remaining rest of your life with you.
Different people enter our lives at different times to teach us the lessons we perhaps needed to learn. And then, it's time for the next phase.
Who knows, if we had ngeah ngeah pushed that relationship forward, it would have ended really nastily, with a divorce and bitterness on both sides. Better to end it nicely, right? Such things are unforeseen so no matter how much it hurts, it's better to acknowledge that your combined fate ends here, it was sweet whilst it lasted, but there's something better for you up ahead, and then, prepare to mourn, get over your loss gradually, and be ready to embrace that better someone and the better future.
If you keep carrying your carcasses of loves lost, you will never have space in your heart for another.
If you keep focusing on the pain and hurts of your lost relationship, you will be blind to the intended one, even if he/she were to stand right in front of you.
The real tragedy is not the breakup... it's not seeing, not cherishing the one who is really meant for you and letting him/her get out of your sight and out of your life, all because you're still so besotted with the past lover, with an ideal that won't stand up to harsh reality. THAT is the real tragedy!