Originally posted by dragg:
true. the only logical answer is both the husband and wife enjoy it.
i enjoy it too.
I'm quite sure of that too... it was said men looking at honkers will live longer too ...
Some time back my bf SIL wore sometime not appropriate for a mother of 2 even though she's only 23 yrs old. He complained that her dressing cause men to stare nonstop. Its rather embarassing for other people as her husband was not around. But perhaps her husband is used to seeing her in whatever form...he might not bat an eye. For other men, for a woman with engorged hooters is a enjoyable site.. My Bf was very unhappy she cause issues for him. However, my reasoning although lame is that for a mother of 2, she's still only 23. She might still consider herself in her prime years and would want to show her body off no matter the shape, as long as she's happy and her husband never object.. so everyone just enjoy the sight loh.