OK, let's have some fun in here!
You've heard of the 5 C's - Car, Condo, Cash, CEO, Certificates. (Am I right?
Now, let's go crazy and wild with our own list for The Perfect Mate! Let's make suggestions, argue it out, and then, come up with our final list of 5 (Insert Alphabet here)'s!
For a start, let's have the letter 'H'!
I was just talking to a colleague and then, in the Night Owl Chatterboxes, we came up with the following:
- Healthy
- Happy
- Humourous / Hilarious
- Handsome (but will be omitted because it cannot be applied to females... I HOPE!!
- Horny
(YEEeeeeah, BABY!!)
- Honest
- Home-orientated
- Hardworking
Can you think of any more qualities starting with 'H'?
And, let's debate which of the H qualities should make it to the Top 5 list!
Remember, the aim of this 'game', is to have fun! So, let's brainstorm and argue it out!
OK, here are your contributions -
Deathy : human, humility, heterosexual
stella : homosexual
Rhonda : HOT