Originally posted by twists:
singapore has a small population.. not enuff ppl for the workforce liao still sae y use Gurkhas when got Singapore policemen to protect.. if we got a large population, y do u tink our government still welcome FTs.
btw i dun like the policy of welcoming FTs..
We do have unemployed people sitting around at home, BUT, do you see them rushing to do the jobs that are currently being held by expatriates and foreigners?
There are still sectors here where locals grudge and refuse to work in for whatever reasons and perceptions. Foreigners come in to fill in the gap for us, so to speak.
Without them, our economy will slow down. Even with them, there are sectors where manpower is tight!
Let's face it, there are jobs where locals simply shun. How else to get these positions filled except with foreigners?
I work in a sector where we have tons of foreigners and to be honest, if they were to choose to leave tomorrow, our sector will collapse!