i fully agree. they are setting precedence. from now every tom, dick and harry with ability might think they can give it a shot.Originally posted by Rhonda:And then, what's stopping him from returning to serve it after he's gotten his big break?
It's just not fair to all the thousands of dutiful Singaporean men who've done their service to the nation.
Does being a prominent / talented artiste give one the right to be exempt?
gosh rhon. are u thinking?Originally posted by Rhonda:And then, what's stopping him from returning to serve it after he's gotten his big break?
It's just not fair to all the thousands of dutiful Singaporean men who've done their service to the nation.
Does being a prominent / talented artiste give one the right to be exempt?
bravo Lazer. Im glad someone here can actually see that national service can be in other forms besides military, and be gracious about it.Originally posted by LazerLordz:Another point to ponder, at the moment of decision, this fellow made a brave move, bearing in mind Singapore's policies in the 70s were much more draconian than today.Whatever it is, I have to admire his guts to walk his path and not going to begrudge him.He's doing our nation a service in his own way, in the cultural arena.I'm not bitter that he managed to skip, and I'm not bitter that I had to serve.
Live and let live.
so he's 49 liao la. so what u want? throw him into DB, make him run everyday with sandbags in an undignified way is it?Originally posted by hisoka:i don't think he should have abondoned his chance but i do think that the government/legal system is giving a double standard. his excuse sounds good but i really doubt thats the only reason, even if it was it still shouldn't be left "unpunished"
well the world is unfair. Think about when u were in NS, how often did those people who are less predisposed towards a military lifestyle were discriminated against?Originally posted by dragg:i fully agree. they are setting precedence. from now every tom, dick and harry with ability might think they can give it a shot.
so basically those without special ability are discriminated against.
bravery has nothign to do with punishing by law does it? he brave enuff to kill we should lower the penalty?Originally posted by HENG@:so he's 49 liao la. so what u want? throw him into DB, make him run everyday with sandbags in an undignified way is it?
Do u think we will benefit by humiliating our cultural personalities like this?
How many of u are even brave enough to make the sort of choice he made? To follow your star, and to come back finally?
the world is unfair but im pretty sure all or most of us would like fairness?Originally posted by HENG@:well the world is unfair. Think about when u were in NS, how often did those people who are less predisposed towards a military lifestyle were discriminated against?
Seriously I don't see what the fuss is.
In any case, has everyone forgotten that 49 years old is beyond the official ROD age.There is no way they could force him to enlist under a law that stipulates peacetime end of service as 45 for enlistees and specialists.Originally posted by HENG@:in any case, he's 49 and its not like he's some criminal who's actually hurt someone. Why do u all want to string him up? Pack mentality?
no lah i not talking about making him enlist no point throw him to become a clerk but throw him in prison or db still can right?Originally posted by LazerLordz:In any case, has everyone forgotten that 49 years old is beyond the official ROD age.There is no way they could force him to enlist under a law that stipulates peacetime end of service as 45 for enlistees and specialists.
well if the law is STUPID, then perhaps u shouldn't begrudge some people for not following it.Originally posted by hisoka:bravery has nothign to do with punishing by law does it? he brave enuff to kill we should lower the penalty?
49 can still go and do the sand bag or whatever right? cannot medically also can throw him inside and make him perform for free to earn his stay there. what so humiliating about running around with sand bags? run around with sand bag is very undignified?
btw hes not our cul;tural personality hes england's?
its not about benefiting but about justice lah(sounds nice but tis just i not happy)
NO, I'm not thinking. Everyone else whose opinion differs from yours isn't thinking. Only you are actively thinking. Happy?Originally posted by HENG@:gosh rhon. are u thinking?
AFTER he's gotten his big break, hes gotta be wondering if he's gonna be thrown into DB for that. WHO in their right mind would wanna come back in their youth so they can spend it sitting in a cell?
There is no such thing as fair. Want to talk about fair? How about: Its not fair to be born in Singapore in the 1st place?
Lets not talk about fairness. Its pointless. In the whole scheme of the world, I reckon its fair enough.
u want fairness? fairness in your own eyes or fairness in an absolute term?Originally posted by hisoka:the world is unfair but im pretty sure all or most of us would like fairness?
The law says imprisonment or fine.In his case, and in the context of Singapore trying to be a more inclusive place, wouldn't jailing him run contrary to whatever we've been trying to accomplish?Originally posted by hisoka:no lah i not talking about making him enlist no point throw him to become a clerk but throw him in prison or db still can right?
i mean, are u thinking from his point of view? not to say u aren't thinking at all, but are u considering it from other angles?Originally posted by Rhonda:NO, I'm not thinking. Everyone else whose opinion differs from yours isn't thinking. Only you are actively thinking. Happy?
You don't have to attack someone personally if his / her opinions differs from yours!![]()
what for? seriously what for? so u can feel good ah?Originally posted by hisoka:no lah i not talking about making him enlist no point throw him to become a clerk but throw him in prison or db still can right?
haha kill lady fate for being not fairOriginally posted by HENG@:well if the law is STUPID, then perhaps u shouldn't begrudge some people for not following it.
im not admiring him just because he is brave, but becos he is brave for the right reasons. And in any case, like I said, he did not actually do something to hurt people. I don't see any justification to jail him.
So I suppose u want singapore to be known as a barbaric country that throws pianists in DBs for choosing to grab an opportunity that will never come again. run with sand bags, maybe get injured so he can never perform again. Then u will happy right?
He regards himself as Singaporean. Hes not England's. sadly.
U want justice? Well I think it is justice that he is not forced to go into DB. Its justice struck by Lady Fate herself. Hah. So what u gonna do about it?
Stop being so petty la. Won't do u any good being petty.![]()
since when our or any government/legal system dun have double standard??Originally posted by hisoka:i don't think he should have abondoned his chance but i do think that the government/legal system is giving a double standard. his excuse sounds good but i really doubt thats the only reason, even if it was it still shouldn't be left "unpunished"
everything has it exceptions.Originally posted by hisoka:haha kill lady fate for being not fair![]()
the law is not stupid lah its to deter pple from not serving ns if not everyone also skip out le.
nothing babaric about it, its just the enforcement of the law. the law maybe barbaric but not the enforcement so unless they change the law....
i don't know whether he really regards himself as singaporean i never keep up in music arena so i can't say if thats his constant stand or somethign that just came up.... but even if so also you should get special treatment?
i'm not being petty lah. it not just some small insignificant detail esp since others have been dealt with much more severely.