Sometimes, when the eye settles on something aesthetically pleasing and the heart gets seduced by it, it's very difficult to fight a clear-cut case with one's logical brain!
Afterall, we're creatures of passion at times! Defies all logic!
So, I know what you mean, it's going to be a white elephant, most likely, but it's sooooo preeeeety that you just can't get it off your mind! It's as if you have suddenly morphed into an octopus with all eight tentacles clinging on to the object for dear life!
If something has captured my attention THAT way, it's very hard to let it go. Hard, but still possible!
So again, it depends on how deeply into it I am!
(For eg. there's this coffee table book 'A Passion for Flowers', that I've yearned for for donkey years already! And then, there are other books that I've seen just ONCE, and HAVE to have it NOW!